"We're just two lost souls
swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year."
Wish You Were Here
By Pink Floyd
Burl B. Hall
For centuries we've had priests on pulpits, wise men wandering through deserts, government / corporate officials, and professionals of all manner of degrees in the various chopped up fields of psychology, religion, medicine, sociology, and politics telling us how to change for the better. That better is oftentimes in ways that they tell us that we want. But in actuality the change is often in such a way that it helps to sell more books or to get you to become part of some kind of group. Ultimately, it is about keeping you from questioning the rulers of this world. The purpose of multiple perspectives is for you to add to the profits of someone else. Thus they say they can help you become enlightened or more psychologically happy. As a result, we have had fads in fields such as psychology ranging for cognitive / behavioral therapy to transactional analysis. These are nothing more than assorted means of being conditioned into a way of life that is now several centuries old. Hey, you're feeling down? Try this therapy and take this pill. We'll make it all better!
saying this trend is centuries old, I'm speaking of the times in which the Old
Testament writings of the Bible happened . For
example, the Fall of Adam and Eve was our fall.
This fall does not happen in times past.
It occurs now. The minute a boy
covers his genitals when his mother walks in on him and experiences shame, Adam
and Eve are putting on the fig leaf. This
is important. The ignorant look at myth
and say it is a lie. This is because
they are indoctrinated in the philosophy of rationalism which denies the
language of myth. Myths aren't about
events in time. They are written
regarding events that are current. As
Ende's "Never Ending Story" teaches, we are
the story and that story is now.
During the past 6 to 8 thousand years, we have been behaviorally modified via rewards and punishments, while our brains have been washed clean of real thoughts and feelings. The reason we are being lied to is simply to keep a ruling class in its role of ruler. Hence the Man (Adam) rules over Woman (Eve). By Man I mean the external world by Woman I mean the inner world, the Soul, the Truth or Nature of who we are.
We in America say we are free. Yet, take a look at any classroom with its rows of desks and its children mesmerized or bored out of their wits by teaching-to-the-test methods that are designed to indoctrinate these children into the mainstream culture. And that mainstream culture is at the beck and call of the rulers of this planet".the corporate/political world. We are being behaviorally modified by a system that is at the beckoning of a ruler class, which is in many cases exists somewhat beyond the public eye. Yet, there are holes in this ruling matrix. For example, we know well how the owner of Fox News, Murdock, manipulates the news with sensationalist journalists such as Bill O'Reilly. I am using Fox as the bad news guys because they are the most blatant liars going. But the same is true for other News stations such as CNN. Indeed, in looking at the pattern, it appears CNN and Fox are often in competition to keep people mesmerized in divisional politics in order to keep the ruling classes in power.
Divide and Conquer. Roll that over your tongue as you think about the battle of the sexes, the left vs the right, this team vs that team, Republican vs Democrat, Christian vs Atheist, and children (primarily adolescents) vs adults. In the meantime we are mesmerized by news shows of professionals that tell us what they (the corporations and politicians) want us to hear and pretty boy/girl stars keeping us mesmerized in drama shows of sex, alcohol, drugs, and violence. At best those professionals we watch just want to make a buck off of us. Yes, we are weak and open to the meanderings of the newest fads in psychology, sociology and religion. "They're all doing it, let's join in!" God forbid you should walk differently from the rest. May God damn you if you should even get past the surface show to see the "man" behind the curtain.
We are a brainwashed lot. This brainwashing exists on several levels: education, commercial, and in some of our so-called arts (especially television and many internet sites). It's a self-perpetuating system for as good moms and dads we indoctrinate our children into what the culture has indoctrinated into us. We think it's real, but it's not. It's a conditioning, a brainwashing. Thus we cannot see past the drama shows of left vs right, Christian vs all other religions, or this theoretical position vs that theoretical position. Hence we have to be republican or democrat (or even independent), Christian or Buddhist or Muslim or Pagan, behaviorist vs cognitive (in psychology) etc. We just have to put ourselves in a box. Even at death we are encouraged to lock ourselves up in a metal coffin and be lowered into the ground surrounded by a cement vault. We simply can't let go of ourselves. And, the cost of not dissolving into the Earth? We are boxed in, trapped in a coffin that we have no idea of how to get out of.
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