Fellow revolutionaries,
This blast has two purposes: 1) to ramp up support for Jill Stein in the next three weeks and 2) to make you aware of the March to Take Back Democracy on Oct. 23rd.
1) We built the Bernie or bust movement online having volunteers, who took the Bernie or bust pledge, step up and post URLs to our website on Bernie Facebook pages and groups and by asking everyone to prioritize their activities and recruit just two more people to take the pledge. We have three weeks to demonstrate Jill Stein has much more support than the polls indicate she does. How?
If you go to our Facebook page, you'll see a video pinned to the top explaining how the power of two works. 2X2X2X2X2...pledges to vote for Dr. Stein for the next three weeks will demonstrate a huge following for Jill Stein's candidacy. If you do don't use Facebook, the explanation is simple. Take the pledge to vote for Jill Stein and get just two more people to take the pledge today or tomorrow at the latest. Use Facebook, Twitter or emails to ask people to take the pledge and be relentless until two people you know have taken the pledge. So long as everyone taking the pledge recruits just two more people to do the same, the doubling effect quickly gets "YUGE." You can take the pledge here: http://www.jill2016.com/vote_pledge
Vote your fears of Clinton and Trump while also voting your progressive conscience. #JillOrBust
If someone gives you flack, just ask them, "Which of these three are you voting for? http://www.whoisjillstein.com/the-other-three " In other words, use our new website do the arguing for you.
2) If you can get to Washington DC next Sunday, Real Progressives is organizing a March to Take Back Democracy. "Stand up and march against election fraud, voter suppression, biased media and money in politics." Speakers include Tim Canova, Tim Black, Lee Camp, Debbie Lusignan, the Sane Progressive, Claudia Stauber (Cabin Talk), Steve Grumbine and others. For more information, go to their website: http://unityfordemocracy.org/d-c-march
If you can't make it, but you want to help out with a contribution to cover the costs of porta-potties, sound system, etc, you can do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/takebackdemocracy
Unfortunately, I am tied down with on-call duty for my job; so I won't be able to make it. I will be, however, promoting the Jill Stein pledge; I hope you all make it part of your online time for the next three weeks to do the same.
In solidarity,
Victor Tiffany
Co-founder, Revolt Against Plutocracy