August 3rd marks the two-year anniversary of the discovery of the now-famous Bayou Corne sinkhole in Assumption Parish Louisiana, the result of a Texas Brine salt dome failure. The photo above was taken on April, 2, 2014, and the photo below is from August, 2012.
Here is a side-by-side comparison:

Sinkhole size comparison, Aug. 2012 and April 2014.
(Image by Collage of images, On Wings of Care and Assumption Parish) Details DMCA
Videos below were taken almost 2 years apart, note especially locations of storage tanks and roads for comparisons:
Assumption Parish posted this flyover video on 6/11/14 (storage tanks visible at approx 1:45)
Compare it to their first flyover video posted on 8/12/12.
According to the Assumption Parish LA website "Early in the morning on Friday, August 3, 2012, Assumption Parish Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness Director John Boudreaux was notified by local industry that a sinkhole had formed overnight in the swamp in the area. The hole was discovered after a strong diesel smell was experienced in the proximity of the sinkhole. On that same day, parish officials called for a mandatory evacuation of residents in the community and parish officials requested the assistance of state agencies in the activities involved in this emergency."
Ongoing work on the sinkhole gets halted regularly during increased levels of seismic activity, as it is now, and also was just a couple of weeks ago. More than 350 people have been forced out of their homes since August 2012.
The sinkhole continues to enlarge as it swallows more and more of the bayou environs.
The Public Broadcasting Service television series NOVA is working on a documentary about sinkholes which will include the Bayou Corne sinkhole. NOVA producer Larry Klein notes that it is set to air in the winter of 2015.
On April 2, 2014, On Wings of Care made an aerial monitoring flyover of the sinkhole. Bonny Schumaker is (President and Founder) of On Wings Of Care, a US registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of wildlife, wild habitat, and natural ecosystems. On Wings of Care made 16 flights for aerial monitoring of the Bayou Corne monitor over the past two years.
Photos and videos by On Wings of Care below.

Bayou Corne Flyover (still from video below) 04.02.14 by On Wings of Care
(Image by On Wings of Care) Details DMCA

Bayou Corne Flyover (still from video below) 04.02.14 by On Wings of Care
(Image by On Wings of Care) Details DMCA
Yet the beauty of the bayou seems immortal, as seen in this stunning and hopeful video by a Bayou Corne resident who posts as rainbeaudais.