Mike Ghouse, Dallas, October 10, 2008-10-11 A majority of the Republicans are like you and I, capable of seeing another point of view, but the ones who run the party do not see the need to enlighten themselves, only God can help them. I am addressing to those principled Republicans in this essay, who are a majority. I am a Republican in my heart supporting Obama, the only hope for America.
It is time for you, the good principled Republican senators, congressmen and women and all those committed to the principles of the party to wake up and rescue the party from being hijacked again by those who want power devoid of republicanism.
Elections give public a say in governance. November 2006 handed the Republicans a defeat in which some good principled Republicans also were defeated along with some who deserved it --as their loyalty was not to America, but to the administration which mislead the American Public. Many of you Republicans still don't get it.
November 2008 will witness a blood bath if you don't rein in on Mr. McCain from getting down in the gutter in the name of being a Maverick. His personal attacks and incivility will cost you your seat. Ms. Palin was brought on as an attack dog, now he is using even his wife to do his dirty work of senseless attacks. It needs to be stopped before the American public dumps even a good one like you tarring you with the same brush.
Very few of you want McCain; most of you are simply going along because he still hangs out a Republican shingle while repudiating republican principles. Distance yourselves from him for the sake of our country; before it is too late, you still have time through the Day of Judgment in November, which is fast approaching.
Dick Armey wrote a piece a few years ago asking you to cut the arrogance and wake up, but you still do not understand the American Public--they don't want you any more. You are either with McCain or with America; it is time for you to be with America.
By default Obama has become a bridge for our country in building relationships that have been destroyed in the last few years by the arrogance of the administration. He will bring jobs back home, he will subdue the influence of lobbyist of the oil companies and work for our nation, he will fix the economy, he will straighten our home first, he will work for a new paradigm shift , "A healthy America is a productive America." Our health enhances our productivity and increases the classroom hours of learning for our kids. Healthy America should be our number one priority followed by a strong economy, diplomacy and defense--in that order.
Do "they" hate us? No sir Mr. Bush, they hate you and your administration, just as we hated Saddam, Putin, Kim and Bin Laden. Neither do they hate America nor do we hate Iraqis, Russians, Koreans or Afghans.
Mother Teresa gave a simple advice "If you want to make peace, you talk to your enemies, you don't make peace with your friends." I hope the Republican Extremists get this at last.
Obama believes in a strong America, both morally and militarily. He will restore our lost dignity in the community of Nations, and without shedding American blood he will seek the cooperation of Nations to work with us for a prosperous world with least conflicts. McCain will not get this in his life-time "we cannot be secure if we keep threatening others nor can we have the peace when we frighten others."
Now I turn to fellow Americans, our democracy is the shining example to the world; the founding fathers created the best model democracy that has withstood the test of time for over two centuries. They built checks and balance in governance. The Republicans are in a bad shape today because the Congress under the republican leadership abdicated its responsibility of being a check on the excesses of the executive branch; instead they became a rubber stamp. It was our blunder to treat President Bush as the "King" George and not speak out against his unilateralism.
Fellow Americans, let's not make that mistake again, let's give the executive to Obama, and let the house and senate go to Democrats and Republicans respectively, provided the Republicans distance themselves from Bush and McCain. We need to ambush the Republicans "You are either with America or with McCain".
Further reading::
Republican or Democratic, which way?
Should Obama attack McCain?
Did John McCain betray America?
Republicans are Screwed
Republicans paid a price for the neglect - Letter to Dick Armey
html http://mikeghouseforamerica.blogspot.com/2007/03/republicans-paid-price-for-neglect.
Obama the Shepherd
John McCain – the Bush lite
Can we trust this trigger happy man
John McCain Owes an apology
How to deal with Terrorism - Laser barking at terrorism
A personal note: I am still a Republican at heart but cannot relate with the extremist among them who are in charge of the party. I have not switched to Democratic party, but am supporting and Voting for Obama, the only hope for America and the world. Listen to McCain, Palin, Romney, Guiliiani, Cheney, Rumsfield, Rowe, Limbaugh, Daniel Pipes and a few others... they talk like disturbed individuals, who do not know how to deal with a civilized world. They simply cannot talk peace, they are incapacitated to dialogue with others, all based on our gun powder strenght, which they have drained now. Even if they use the word peace, it has to do with bombing some one or annihilating some one. The only thing they reflect in their language is terrorism, as that is what is embedded in their hearts. We are in deep trouble today, because of their policies. It is time to wake up and bring about a change.
Mike Ghouse is a Speaker, Thinker and a Writer. He is a frequent guest on talk radio and local television network discussing interfaith, political and civic issues. His comments, news analysis and columns can be found on the Websites and Blogs listed at his personal website www.MikeGhouse.net. Mike is a Dallasite for nearly three decades and Carrollton is his home town. He can be reached at MikeGhouse@aol.com