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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 1/21/15

Retired Senator Bob Graham Slams the White House Over Non-Release of 28 Redacted Pages of 9-11 Report.

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David William Pear
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Bush Kiss
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Saudi Arabia is a big fan of air strikes on Iran and Syria.
Saudi Arabia is a big fan of air strikes on Iran and Syria.
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Retired Senator Bob Graham has not been sitting in his rocking chair since his retirement from the Senate in 2005. He has been working tirelessly trying to get out the word on what really led up to the attack on the United States of America on September 11, 2001.

And he should know. He served for ten years on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and was the Chairman of it at the time of the 9-11 attack. After the 9-11 attack, he was the Chairman of the "Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism" known as the Graham/Talent WMD Commission. It was the follow up commission to "The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States", known as the 9-11 Commission.

Now Senator Bob Graham is putting on a full-court press to get the redacted 28 pages of the 9-11 Commission released to the public by President Obama. The public report of the 9-11 Commission was released on December 02, 2002. After the report had been cleared by every government agency involved, President Bush's White House yanked out a full chapter before authorizing its release. Those 28 pages are suspected of revealing that Saudi Arabia was involved in the financing and aiding of at least some of the 9-11 hijackers.

Ever since that redaction by the Bush White House, there has been a cover up and stone walling by both the Bush and the Obama White Houses to keep from releasing the 28 pages. Last year the 113 th Congress passed House Resolution H.Res. 428 sponsored by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) and Congressman Stephen Lynch (D-MA) requesting President Obama to release the 28 pages. After repeated phone calls to the Obama White House for progress on releasing the 28 pages, the Congress' phone calls either went unreturned or they got the answer that "Obama is working on it". The resolution expired at the end of the 113 th Congress (HERE ).

Senator Bob Graham calls the failure of the White House to release the secret 28 pages of the public version of the 911 Commission Report a threat to national security. His language could not have been any stronger. Here is what he said:

"The Saudis know what they did; the Saudis know that we know what they did!"

Senator Bob Graham goes on to ask:

"What would you think the Saudis' position would be, if they knew what they had done, they knew that the United States knew what they had done, and they also observed that the United States had taken a position of either passivity, or actual hostility to letting those facts be known? What would the Saudi government do in that circumstance, which is precisely where they have been, for more than a decade?"

Senator Bob Graham concludes that what they will do and what the Saudis have continued to do is fund terrorism. In his own words:

"Well, one, they have continued, maybe accelerated their support for one of the most extreme forms of Islam, Wahhabism, throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East. And second, they have supported their religious fervor, with financial and other forms of support, of the institutions which were going to carry out those extreme forms of Islam"....."So the consequences of our passivity to Saudi Arabia, have been that we have tolerated this succession of institutions, violent, extreme, extremely hurtful to the region of the Middle East, and a threat to the world!"

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David is a columnist writing on foreign affairs, economic, and political and social issues. He is an honorary Associate Editor of The Greanville Post, and a former Senior Editor of OpEdNews.com. His articles have been published by OpEdNews, The (more...)

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