As a sci-fi author and science consultant for films and television documentaries, I have made it my mission to seek out every alternate theory out there " no matter how crazy they may seem " to explore any possibility of new physics that might be uncovered and put to use. That is, until I came across something so perfect and convincing that I had to stop in my tracks.
I now realize, to my complete astonishment, that the true Theory of Everything may already exist, in a book published soon after the new millennium " you just haven't heard about it yet. Who is this author, Mark McCutcheon, and what is this book, The Final Theory, that I have read? My God! This is not the usual crackpot theory used as fodder for some lame sci-fi TV series; this is it " the first truly viable new physics to have ever arisen.
As I read on and on, for the first time gaining a complete understanding of all that is currently mysterious and weird in theoretical physics, including Newton's gravity, Einstein's relativity, and especially the quantum mechanics of Niels Bohr, I found myself making a complete turn around. I will never see the world the same way again.
Yes, this Theory of Everything really does explain it all, up to the mysteries surrounding the Pioneer satellites leaving the solar system and the difficulties we have encountered landing spaceships on other moons and planets. McCutcheon has just rewritten the whole of physics and it makes sense, backed up with mathematics to prove it all. I cannot see how he could be wrong, and believe me I have tried to prove him wrong in a long correspondence with him now spanning several years.
I then started wondering how this new understanding of every single phenomenon in physics might be used to perfect weapons of mass destruction, even build the most powerful nuclear weapons ever made. Up until now we never truly understood what was behind the physics that we have exploited to make such weapons possible " it was largely a progression of abstract models and trial-and-error. Now I believe, through this new theory, we can have a complete understanding of it all. I cannot fault it; perhaps you can?
Who would have thought one single little idea could revolutionize the whole of physics and completely rewrite Newton, Einstein and Bohr, all in one time swoop? That is the now almost mythical hope for the long-sought Theory of Everything, but who among us actually believed it was possible? Completely rewriting the books on all these theories of gravity and relativity and quantum mechanics, all based on one singular new principle running throughout it all?
Yet I assure you this could be it; this is what I feel McCutcheon has achieved, I'm sure without even realizing the enormous impact this will have on the world, and how we will go about building more powerful weapons of mass destruction as a consequence.
Are we wise enough to handle this new knowledge, this entirely new physics, if it turns out to be the true Theory of Everything? Well, above all else we must do our best to uncover and communicate the whole truth to everyone, to every single child studying physics, mathematics and chemistry world-wide. We also have a duty to verify independently the validity of Expansion Theory. There would be no point going any further on our current path in science " our Standard Theory, filled with warped space-time, quantum mysteries and relativity paradoxes.
These are chronic issues in our science that never disappear and which no one truly understands " despite the odd academic assurance to the contrary. This is not because the vast majority of us lacks the intellectual capacity, while the handful who are heavily invested in these specialties are, oddly, so far beyond the rest, but because these concepts are inherently nonsensical to any sensible mind without an agenda.
Only now can I see this with crystal clarity. I can now re-read the explanation attempts offered for the various paradoxes in our science and see the obvious logical flaws in all of them. McCutcheon makes a convincing case in answering and solving virtually all these paradoxes. I challenge you to read this book and tell me otherwise (I want to hear your views):
"The Final Theory, Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy
Now we could potentially have a true understanding of what E=mc^2 really means. Now we may know the true nature of subatomic and atomic bonds, furthering research in such areas as biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. I don't know, but with such a convincing understanding of how physics and chemistry truly work, I think we may have finally stumbled upon the Holy Grail of all wars.
And yet, I cannot say this should be hidden from view. I cannot say that such an understanding of all physics should be kept secret. I believe we should seek the truth above all else, especially considering how many billions of dollars we spend on experiments that can now be clearly demonstrated to be primitive, misguided or useless by theory alone.
This strikes me all the more now when I encounter documentaries about time travel, wormholes, parallel universes and the like, where presumably great theoretical physicists like Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking and Lawrence M. Krauss, could actually just be wasting time and money that could be far better spent if they had the real physics to work with, furthering the urgency for more theoretical physicists to prove or debunk Expansion Theory.
Expansion Theory, as McCutcheon has aptly named this new theory, could ensure we will never struggle to understand how to land a spacecraft on any moon or planet in the solar system, or needlessly lose one more astronaut. Gravity may not be what we think it is today " it could finally have a proper, entirely new definition.
I am now going to give you, for the first time ever, a core insight from the new theory, which you can take or leave as you see fit. But if you read the book, I feel you may very well be convinced of its truth, just like I am now. I urge you not to dismiss the idea off hand or comment that this is crazy without reading the book, since it solves every single paradox in physics, with mathematical proof.
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