When the CIA is sent in to foster revolution it's always because the leader of some Third World nation won't play ball. The revenue from such nation's sovereign resources must be controlled by U.S. corporations. What if some pip squeak nation decided to plow all that money into its economy by investing in infrastructure? The stuff of Right Wing nightmares. What if the public good were served?
Corporations must preempt the unwashed masses from forming unions and raising wages. Hell. The citizenry might even go completely off the reservation, and demand health care. The nerve! The effrontery! Money diverted to the public is money that's not reaching corporate pockets. In the Third World corporate sponsored death squads prowl the country making examples of anyone foolish enough to protest.
In 1953, the United Fruit Company, unhappy over Guatemala's President Jacobo Arbenz labor reforms, got Uncle Sam to get rid of the "leftist" dictator. The troops must be sent to crush uppity Marxist States and murder their Presidents. Today the communist Boogie Man has been replaced with the Islamic Boogie Man. In the U.S. the republicans paint democrats as Boogiemen and use the deregulation of industry, in lieu of violence, to boost corporate control and profit.
The U.S. Supreme Court came completely out of the closet this year when it gave corporations the green light to outright buy the Congress of its choice. Americans accept their increasing poverty as their lot while their corporate government diverts the nation's wealth into its coffers. They are largely unaware, or don't care, that in 2003 a Florida Court agreed with Fox that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States. Fox, in effect, publicly declared that it held its viewers in such contempt that it does not owe them the truth.
The outright murder of opposition figures has been largely unnecessary in the U.S. Uninterrupted slander seems to be working well judging by the unresisting democrats to constant insult. Trillions of taxpayer dollars are given to Big Banks, the public good be damned. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are squarely in the republican's sights. There must be a complete transfer of wealth for the Right Wing's corporate masters to declare victory. Walk down your driveway and yell, and someone within hearing is in foreclosure.
Republicans have been successful in their merciless attacks against the opposition. Tax dollars were used to attempt the destruction of a freely elected president, Bill Clinton. The republican media machine has tarred Obama as an imposter to the presidency, accusing him of Kenyan citizenship, among other things. Enough idiots exist to believe such nonsense.
The Bush Administration was the first Right Wing Junta ever installed by a renegade Supreme Court. Democratic leaders bent like straw in a high wind, and have never recovered. Progressive Americans are reduced to the futile hope that the democratic leadership will take some kind of stand against the republican's accelerating destruction of democracy. When Social Security is overhauled (read discontinued) the republican ambition to destroy the free republic will be near completion. A Gingrich/Palin ticket would visit the final Right Wing outrage upon the nation. If eight years of Bush was possible, anything is.
This is the essence of Right Wing politics. Corporate profits soar when a strong military stands by to take whatever the corporation wants, and can't obtain by other means. There is war for oil in Iraq and a trans Caspian/Asian oil pipeline in Afghanistan is needed by Unocal, among others, to bypass Russia and Iran.
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