(Oklahoma City) Who needs the controversy over same-gender marriage equality in California and Massachusetts when Oklahoma, the second reddest red-neck state in the union, has the rootin', tootin' Republican duo of Oklahoma County Commissioner Brent Rinehart and Rep. Sally Kern?
Sally Kern made news earlier this year with her You-tubed remarks about gays being worse than terrorism and Islam. If that weren't enough, we were comparable to cancer. ( http://tinyurl.com/6ggxu6 )
Well, she's pulled another faux pas out of her purse this time by trying to enter the Oklahoma State Capitol building with a 380 caliber semi-automatic handgun. She's done this not just once but twice! ( http://tinyurl.com/5vfh7v )
The first time in early June she got all the way to her office due to an inattentive guard who was distracted by Mrs. Kern's movements. The second time, today, she was stopped at the x-ray machine and asked to secure her weapon in her car.
Poor frazzled Mrs. Kern. She said she was out of the habit of entering the Capitol Building and forgot the gun was in her purse, implying that she carries the gun on a regular basis.
But if Mrs. Kern would talk to me face to face I'd want to ask her how could she get "out of the habit" of entering a building she's gone into nearly every day over the past four years where she's an elected representative working on the taxpayers's dollar and receiving the perks of office? She has to go through the metal detecter just like everyone else, everytime.
And in this second case of trying to enter a government building with a loaded weapon, she apparently has the perk of being let off the hook by the Highway Patrol as their spokesperson has said there was "no malicious intent."
Malicious intent, or just plain jealous of Brent Rinehart and his own version of drama queen scene stealing?
Commissioner Rinehart says he spent two months writing the text for a campaign comic book being mailed to County District 2 voters that he says tells the truth about him and his fight against the "liberal good ole boys, the homosexual agenda, and Satan." ( http://tinyurl.com/6xwge6 )
Wow! Who knew that Oklahoma County is a sink of liberalism, that Rinehart has a copy of the gay agenda, and Satan is hot for Rinehart?
From the looks of his comic book, Rinehart's time would have been better spent in working on his defense for the two felony trials that are hanging over his head. One has been brought by Oklahoma Attorney-General Drew Edmondson for state campaign law violations and the other by the IRS for serious income tax violations in connection with his heating/air conditioning business.
If upcoming court dates weren't enough. according to campaign financial reports Mr. Rinehart's war chest is looking pretty flat--less than $30,000 for 2008 while he raised over $200,000 in 2004.
Mr. Rinehart has had a very big gay chip on his shoulder for years going back to his time on the Oklahoma City city council. He takes every opportunity to make gays the scapegoat for everything that doesn't go his way, regardless of how dissimilar the comparison might be to someone else.
How many times have we seen that the louder the homo-hater yells and complains, the more deeply closeted that person is when he or she is eventually outed? Why are the homo-haters so obsessed with the private lives of other people who they don't know and have no responsibility for?
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