It is a deep infamy that will greet Rush Limbaugh in any historical evaluation of the slime he has unleashed in what is euphemistically referred to as radio commentary.
Limbaugh's current siege of the hateful merging with the tasteless relates to the current thug activity occurring as political and civic leaders along with administrators coalesce in town meetings in which efforts are made to explain about President Obama's health care proposal.
Distortion muddied debate waters when, early in his first administration, President Bill Clinton sought to introduce a comprehensive national health care proposal.
Harry and Louise soothingly explained how Clinton's proposal would remove freedom from Americans. The whole scheme was clearly a blueprint for socialism.
Now the propagandists have presented the same message but in a far more mean-spirited fashion. In the effort to present a national proposal as socialistic and an invasion of American freedom, signs have appeared linking President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with the infamous Nazi tyranny of Adolf Hitler. Some included pictures of Hitler along with those of Obama and Pelosi.
According to research revealed at the Nuremberg Trials some 12.5 million people were systematically butchered by a brutal regime hell bent on world domination. The figure listed of overall deaths from World War Two numbered over 50 million.
As such it is unconscionable to present signs linking Obama and Pelosi to the Nazi regime. It is equally unconscionable for the demagogic Limbaugh to twist what Pelosi said in response to these vicious attacks to an assault on conservatives comparing them to Nazis, as he has.
In a piously self-righteous broadcast last week Limbaugh falsely accused Pelosi of linking when she was responding to attacks leveled against her along with Obama. In his display of self-righteousness he proclaimed that Nazism occupies a position closer to the liberal left than to the conservative right.
The vast body of authorities on Nazism contend just the opposite. Limbaugh asserted that the Nazis loathed businesses and corporate activity, which gave them a natural affinity toward liberals.
In reality, Nazism as well as Fascism, as specifically exemplified by Benito Mussolini's regime in Italy, ran systems linking corporations to their dictatorships within Germany and Italy. The term corporate socialism was employed to identify this relationship.
As for the recent hoodlum activity of hooting down speakers and seeking to control public meetings through intimidation, what is this other than the same tactics employed by Hitler's Storm Troopers and Brownshirts? These are tactics that opponents of Obama's health care proposal have been employing.
Can Rush Limbaugh be so mentally challenged that he is unable to understand what Nancy Pelosi stated in her specific criticisms? Can he be so foolish that he does not know that Nazism and Fascism were referred to as corporate socialism?
No, Limbaugh is not that foolish.
Limbaugh is a money grabbing demagogue who serves pabulum on cue to an audience that hyperventilates on a combination of ignorance and hate.