It's sad that the only news items that motivate the right-wing attack dogs are an affair by John Edwards, an affair that's none of our business, but does well to detract from other scandals that are rife in the GOP and constantly pervade the White House.
Rush and Ann are silent in regard to Dick Cheney's recent fiasco when he attempted to figure out how to start a war with Iran. As this news settles in as another treasonous action by our Executive branch, right-wing radio is desperate to bring the nation's attention to other issues that are non-starters in today's political process, allowing them to spew their hate and deception to Americans who have been conditioned to trust them with real issues. We are lied to and given inaccurate and, at times, completely false information. It should be noted that right-wing radio hosts who dominate airwaves, are pushing an extremist doctrine and openly state that Liberals and some Democrats would be better off dead. That's their message. And it's being picked up by "loonies" who live to listen to hate and deception rather than to fact and truth. If we disagree with our government, who has constantly lied to and deceived the American people, these hate-mongers imply that we are somehow "less American" or patriotic than they--because we don't buy into their fascist and warmongering agenda. Lying to the American people should be a crime, as should promoting hate and violence. But in today's America, the hate-mongers are protected and the Liberal/Democrats face a rising array of brain-washed loony-tunes who buy into their constant barrage of hate and deception.
Rush Limbaugh almost takes the cake, and Ann Coulter is running a close second, both of whom may one day face backlash:
Rush slammed after blaming Elizabeth Edwards for affair
David Edwards and Nick Juliano
Published: Thursday August 14, 2008Add this to the litany of shocking and offensive things to have emerged from right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh's mouth:
"It just seems to me that [John] Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk."
The popular conservative seemed quite clearly to be blaming Edwards's wife, Elizabeth, who is battling breast cancer, with driving her husband to another woman. Earlier in his nationally syndicated show Tuesday, Limbaugh launched into an extended diatribe on how Elizabeth was "smarter than John Edwards" and implied she was dictating his actions. MUCH MORE
Ann Coulter had to chime in, and as usual, her comments are easily unmasked to demonstrate that anything the left does is horrific, while business as usual in Washington, even though it means trampling our constitution and Bill of Rights, is a non-story:
Even By Trial Lawyer Standards, Edwards A Real Sleazebag08/13/2008
The good news: DNA testing has confirmed that John Edwards is not the father of Rielle Hunter's baby.
The bad news: The father is Bill Clinton.
Ha ha--just kidding! It's almost impossible to get pregnant by having the type of sex Bill Clinton prefers. MORE
We've seen a liberal church shot-up because of the barrage of hate literature the shooter had accumulated. To imply it didn't help to set off his killing spree is absurd. Now, today we witnessed the Democratic Chairman in Arkansas, Bill Gwatney, being assassinated by an individual who might have shot Mr. Gwatney because "he lost his job." From the President on down, the GOP is blaming the Democrats for the country's economic woes, when it's really the failed economic policies of George W. Bush, something the right-wing refuses to admit. They would rather play the blame game without a shred of evidence or anything else that will back-up their lies and misinformation.
Are we facing a situation where it's going to be open season on Liberals and Democrats? People are losing their homes by the droves, they're losing their jobs, and through all of this, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, and O'Reilly are barraging those who are already suffering and offering up Liberals and Democrats as the villains, even to the point where they offer to "buy ammo" (Michael Reagan) for those who choose violence because their world is collapsing around them. Throughout the United States, Liberals and Democrats are being portrayed as those who are responsible for our economic collapse. And it's being done with extreme malice and intimidation tactics. ReTHUGlicans or government operatives recently threatened a prominent Anti-war Blog, InformationClearingHouse:
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