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Russian TV Asked Shouldn't Public Sleep Better After CIA FBI Manhunt Success? VIDEO

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Jay Janson
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(Article changed on October 10, 2013 at 15:06)

Kitbash Navy SEAL Close Quarters Battle
Kitbash Navy SEAL Close Quarters Battle
(Image by Jay Janson)
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Kitbash Navy SEAL Close Quarters Battle by Jay Janson

On September 5, 2013, America's CIA and FBI made two illegal incursions into countries the United States of American has recently more than half destroyed with the genocidal civil wars it promoted, funded, managed and participated in with murderous air attacks. In Somalia, CIA FBI tried, apparently unsuccessfully, to assassinate a leader of the former Youth Wing of the Islamic Courts Union government a US backed warlord dominated government overthrew with US and foreign armies help. In Libya CIA FBI kidnapped Abu Anas al Libi[1], who has been indicted by grand jury for US embassy bombings in Africa. (The public has not been told if others were killed in the two actions.

The following evening, on the English language Sunday News Bulletin on RTTV in Moscow, the beautiful commentator, referring to the kidnapped accused al Qaeda terrorist Abu Anas al Libi, asked the question:
"Shouldn't we be sleeping safer now that he has been captured?"

To watch the five minute video, click on:

Had time permitted, the response to the question by the anti-imperialist writer interviewed might have included a list of facts detailing America's involvement in creating and using al Qaeda terror. 

It was Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to be President Jimmy Carter, who, in mid 1979, first encouraged and used Islamic fundamentalist terror by ordering the secret funding, arming and training of non-Pashtun Afghani warlord armies of fundamentalist men fearful of the new popular women-liberating Socialist government in Kabul, which was providing unwanted schooling for their daughters and wives. (The most infamous warlord the US funded was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, known for spraying acid on unveiled women while still a university student.) [2]"-

It is well known that the CIA funded al Qaeda during its beginning through payments to Osama bin Laden, who, along with thousands of Arabs of the strict Saudi Wahabi sect, had been invited into that part of Afghanistan controlled by the CIA, after the Soviets had entered Afghanistan to protect its ally in Kabul. There is an amazing video of Presidential Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski speaking to newly arrived, CIA imported, Arab fighters, calling for jihad against the Soviet army and the Kabul government.[3]

Thereafter, it was the US Holocaust in Iraq that produced the greatest growth of al Qaeda, which entered and further sprang up in that country to fight Americans, who again were mercilessly invading another Muslin nation that had been friendly to the US.  In the case of Iraq, even merciless to the point of CIA having helped Saddam Hussein to power and later partnering with Saddam during his horrific million death invasion of Iran, that had so gratified President Reagan and his Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld.[4]

Subsequently, the criminal speculative investment banking conspiracy, which rules most of the world from Wall Street, had its outright owned US government[5], hire battle seasoned al Qaeda recruits to fake a revolt in wealthy and prosperous Libya, which had been the poorest nation in Africa under oil plundering British and French colonial domination, only to become the 53rd highest quality of life nation in the world (higher than nine European nations, according to the 2010 UN Index), under its Arab Socialist government. For nine weeks the captive CNN world satellite audience heard obviously tough looking hombres in heavy weapons laden pick-up trucks hailed as 'freedom fighters' 'from all walks of life.'

For two years now the CIA has been running another faked 'spontaneous' revolt in yet another previously well run, sophisticated nation in the cradle of civilization, with, as in the case of Iraq and Libya, fine free health care and education through PhD for all its citizens. (America has liberated sixty million from such benefits). With all the unnecessary gall in a world watching CIA fed CNN,
US officials proclaim their CIA's right to hire, arm and train whomsoever to overthrow the proven popular government of Syria, no matter that al Qaeda within America's "freedom fighter' opposition armies executes civilians, even teenagers, and is now famous for the video of an opposition leader cutting out and eating the heart of a Syrian soldier.

As in the case of Libya, without a single really corroborating video or photo, the angel of death President of the US has the confidence to lie that President Assad (as the year before, that Revolutionary Leader Gadaffi) "is killing his own people." Al Qaeda, a now world wide amorphous movement, can be used to butcher or as an excuse to bomb, depending on what is profitable.

After twelve years of genocidal Western occupation, the al Qaeda that the US brought into Persian speaking Afghanistan is still the excuse for the white armies to continue to turkey shoot members and adherents of Taliban, the former recognized government of what was left of Afghanistan after the US backed and armed warlords saw to infighting that brought the nation to unimaginable violent chaos, with widespread raping of women and complete lawlessness, until defeated by national-salvation minded religious Taliban ('Taliban' means 'students' in Pashun language). In spite of the tragic toll taken on these Afghani battling invaders with by superior weaponry, Taliban has remained in power throughout most of the countryside of Afghanistan.

US drone missiles continue to turn al Qaeda and whomever happens to be nearby into 'bugsplats' in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. Do Americans, English and citizens of other white nation members of collaborating NATO and beyond, bite their tongue when reading of the US use of al Qaeda first in Afghanistan, then in Libya, now in Syria and most probably in Iraq?
Finally the super gruesome daily suicide bombings in Iraq of as many victims as ninety in a single day, going on now for a year or more, bears mention in regard to US involvement in al Qaeda.
What would the heartless automaton bankers of profitable genocide working for total globalized US hegemony not do to keep 65% Shiite Iraq from a normal and to be expected political rapprochement and cooperation with 95% Shiite Iran. (Please, don't any reader fall for that sap about of 'sectarian violence' between Sunni and Shiite, who have intermarried everywhere over the last thousand years.) Notice that there are no serious US plans to help the Shiite majority Iraq government save its citizens from being slaughtered, and notice that US media which ran the story of the sixty lives lost Kenya shopping mall massacre for two weeks, devotes prime time news to no more than reporting the daily number of dead in Iraq massacres.

It is exceedingly probable that the US is somehow covertly heavily involved in the al Qaeda and other Sunni suicide attacks on Shiites in Iraq.  Even if somehow were not, Washington certainly would have the power through its satellite Saudi Arabia to mitigate this stupid, astounding loss of precious life for ordinary, read wonderful, men, women and children.

What is not being sufficiently often pointed out is these overt US atrocities, and this decades ongoing American produced genocide will only come to an end, either when there is planetary destruction, or when powerful speculative private investors calculating profit, are forced to enter a factor of possible imprisonment and seizure of assets to compensate wrongful deaths, injuries, destruction of property and theft of natural resources (as explained on the educational and stimulus to action website Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now, endorsed by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and containing the pertinent laws, exhortations by Einstein, Helen Keller, Eugene Debs and others and featuring a country-by-country history of US crimes in nineteen (and counting) nations - and a link to the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Atrocity Wars and Covert Genocide on Three Continents for Predatory Investments International Awareness Campaign.

Many thanks to producer Ekaterina Karaseva and to RTTV for providing this video of the telecast on October 6. 2013

1  Anas al-Liby [from Wikipedia]
Note how al Qaeda Anas al-Libi was used by the British and protected him after his mission to kill Muammar Gadaffi.




5  "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."  President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a Letter to Col. Edward Mandell House (21 November 1933); as quoted in F.D.R.: His Personal Letters,  (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1950), pg. 373.
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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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