This is a very hope-inspiring article about people who teamed up to rent 18 acres from the "consistently supportive" public utilities commission and created a giant organic garden, subdivided into a number of organic farms. The Utilities Commission even forked out $65,000 to make it possible! Wow.
Such an article is one which I hope will spawn similar ideas around the country. We never know where unused land may turn up and produce for the public. Parklands? MOre utilities? Open space somewhere? YOu never know. It was the innovative idea of one person who approached the utilities commission with the idea of a free one-year trial in exchange for providing more renters. We never know how our own innovations can create fruitful change.
I also want to reiterate a thought from earlier that commercial pools (and backyard pools!) can be turned into fish farms.
If we work creatively with our city councils, local journalists and local neighborhoods, we can beat the upcoming economic crunch in advance. Time to roll?
See also this solution-oriented website: Here you can read about how to make your own solar generator and solar home heater (linked to another website), how to make your own soap, drying and canning food, gardening tips, how to produce an indoor garden, and more.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Smith