Readers of OpEd know that the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) is a top priority for more than 182 public interest groups who want to protect patients, taxpayers, and to end corruption.
Now, electronic petitions are being launched to enlarge the ability of citizens and groups to get involved in this historic legislation. These petitions can be easily accessed, and can be easily verified. Every citizen who signs on to the web can accelerate our drive to tell Congress the public has had enough. We want integrity in healthcare, in defense, in mortgage lending, and in all important public interest sectors.
One New York patient activist Josephine Carol Cicchini has gone to the street, and gathered 12,502 signatures by herself. This extraordinary effort by a single individual has rarely if ever been matched. For more information about Cicchini and her group, see More importantly, see her petition and join the 12.502 citizens who demand an end to HMO corruption. (See attached text of petition)
Cicchini really shows how one person can make an incredible difference. "We need a thousand Cicchinis to ensure that every American knows that their health and democracy itself is on the line." stated Dr. James Murtagh, co-chair of the International Association of Whistleblowers (IAW). "We are proud to have her as a member, and as a spearhead of patient groups that want to get involved in improving quality care in hospitals. We can't do it without the support of patient groups. Cicchini is a real catalyst for change."
Electronic Democracy in Action!
Inspired by Cicchini, public interest groups are synergistically submitting electronic petitions to pass the WPA.
Letter from Leading Public Interest Advocate Tom Devine, Esq:
As readers of OpEd News know, the House and Senate passed bills to restore protections for government employees who blow the whistle on waste, fraud, and abuse by veto-proof margins last year, but the houses have yet to agree on a final bill. Now is the time to show negotiators, leadership, and other interested Members of Congress that it is a priority to pass a strong final bill before recess. Thank you to all the 200+ groups that have signed the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) sign-on letter! Now this action can be extended to you and your members, even if you did not join the group letter. Public Citizen, on behalf of the Make it SAFE Coalition and other whistleblower supporters, has launched an online Citizen’s Whistleblower Petition (and posted additional resources) at
If possible, please help us spread the word about the campaign- and add signatures to the petition- by posting it on you site and blog, and distributing it out to your listserv. Public Citizen’s Action Alert is below.
Tom Devine,
Government Accountability Project
And the Coalitions determined to pass the WPA