Single Payer Brings Home the Troops from Afghanistan
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) asserts that an employer mandate would save $200 billion; that a public option would save $100 billion more.
Both the CBO's and Grayson's analysis fail to mention that under the single-payer system envisioned by HR 676 ("Medicare for All" Act), there would be no need for employer mandates. A single-payer system would make U.S. manufacturing competitive with foreign companies which do not include the cost of health care in the price of their products.President Obama conceded the only system that would provide health care coverage for every American is single-payer --- a system which the PNHP estimates would save between $350 billion to $400 billion per year by eliminating the parasitic middle men --- for-profit carriers.
Ernest A. Canning, Brad Blog
Eliminating the Middle Men Murderers
A Harvard study showed that 122 Americans die every day for lack of health care insurance coverage. These deaths are wrongful. The salaried personnel at the health insurance companies make campaign contributions to Senators, who refuse to enact HR 676 that would save the lives of 122 human beings daily. Posing as health insurers the executives defraud the policy owners of up to 31% of the premiums paid the companies as useless middle men. This is fraud a class "A" Felony. A wrongful death in the course of a Class "A" Felony becomes a matter of First Degree Murder.
If convicted of murder, the insurance salaried personnel deserve lethal injection. Any member of the Congress who fails to support HR 676 should join the executives in the lethal injection room.
Hourly insurance employees may continue their jobs. They can ease the transition to the "Medicare for All" single payer system.
Bringing Home Our Young People from Afghanistan
North Vietnam leader Ho Chi Minh invited the USA to send additional troops. Mr. Ho knew more troops would inspire his citizens to repel the invaders more quickly.
Bereft of this wisdom and pushed by her military/industrial complex, America continued her futile struggle for another eight years. In 1965 the US public was less racist and cleverer than they are in 2009. The country is on the skids morally and economically bankrupt. She allows 44,789 citizens to die needlessly and the 1% elite Neanderthals to rip her carcass bare.
Maybe, the knuckle draggers would want to escape the death penalty by doing constructive work in the war zone. Afghanistan is the third poorest nation in the world. She has suffered a great decline since the Taliban managed her heroin trade. Being arch criminals, the insurance executives could act as a super-annulated Peace Corps with a twist. Embedded in 30,000 Afghan villages they could work as teachers and builders to elevate the country town by town. The locals could raise their incomes with dollars earned in the Afghan militia. The villagers would be defending their families and homes with their neighbors against intruders.
If the Afghans ask for more help, we have no end of criminal bankers, stock market manipulators, FOX newscasters, venal cartel managers and corrupt politicians to ship to them.