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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 1/22/15

Speaking Truth To Power and Denouncing the Pro War Propaganda of American Sniper

Marianne Hoynes
Message Marianne Hoynes

Hollywood created a film that glorifies the murder of innocents, called American Sniper. It is a false story. Many in the film industry and peace activists from all over the country are denouncing this film for what it is- LIES, and the glorification of a US government sanctioned years long killing spree.

The reality of the US War machine
The reality of the US War machine
(Image by Marianne Hoynes)
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It is about murder in IRAQ, a war manufactured for profit. Michael Moore, Jane Fonda, Liam Neeson, The Daily Beast, Independent European Daily Express, and many others who are standing up to denounce this piece of pro war propaganda, are receiving death threats for speaking truth to power.

When the US Government is sanctioning a national war message, and you find yourself on the other side of this, what do you do, knowing you are speaking truth against a corrupt government that is taking countries by force for their natural resources, and killing countless thousands of innocent people?

What do you do, except be a voice for peace? What do you do, knowing your government is inciting violence against you?

STAND UP for our whistle blowers. Surround them with your eyes, so no harm can come to them that we do not know is coming from the war machine. let these people speak up, speak out, in peace!

This is not a game. We are denouncing the most profitable propaganda that supports our biggest export- WAR. And the lives of these people are in danger. The threats are disgusting. So we need a counter movement.

Speak your own Truth to Power. Keep your eyes on those who have received death threats, and KNOW the power behind those threats.

The reality of the US War machine
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