I don't know about you but I am so angered by Obama's surge of troops in Afghanistan, what the hell is he doing? This is absurd and Orwellian to Escalate in order to Exit! It does not matter to me what Obama will say on Dec 1st, there is nothing he can say to convince me that this is the right thing to do for America!
"Change We Can Believe In!" has morphed into "No Change At All!" Obama has become OBush! We can not wait any longer to "see" what Obama is going to do, he is going to escalate the status quo! We have to make a stand for America against the sucking of all of our money out of our pockets into the hands of the War Profiteers! War is a SCAM!
Please join me in an extended week of protests against the surge in Chicago. Let's connect the Money spent on the Wars to the Money needed back here in this country for Renewable Energy, Health Care, Bail Outs for Homes and not for Banks and Jobs for Main Street not Wall Street! If you are not in Chicago then please go to your local antiwar websites and find rallies in your area.
We can not sit back at this time, we must make a major stand against this surge! They expect us to take this meekly but I am urging you to make a much bigger stink! They are going to destroy this country and our economy, they are already dangerously close to succeeding! Please just come down to these protests-all of them (see below)! It is the repeated nature of the rallies that makes the statement! And please send this email to all of your contacts.
1) We start at 11am on Monday, Nov 30th with this rally;
March on Chicago's Climate Criminals!
11am, Federal Plaza (Jackson and Dearborn)
Downtown Chicago
Please go to http://www.warresisters.org/files/fy2010piechartbw.pdf or http://www.nationalpriorities.org/ for charts on military spending and pass them out at this rally with signs that might say;
War is not Sustainable and either is Our Fossil Fuel Lifestyle!
War eats up Money, People and Gas!
War is a Major Climate Criminal!
War is For Fossil Fools!
We Want a Surge of Renewable Energy NOT Troops in Afghanistan!
Money for Nature not for War!
Please go to these links for more info on the costs of War;
2) Tues, Dec 1st at 12, noon,
Please join me in going up to the offices of Senators Durbin and Burris to state our case against the surge, meet at the Argo Tea at Adams and Dearborn, across the street from the Fed Plaza at noon. Bring letters signed by your family and friends over the weekend! Bring charts and flyers, Bring your passion!.
After the meetings, if you want to pass out fliers about War spending, then please make your own copies and bring them with you by going to http://www.nationalpriorities.org/ or http://www.warresisters.org/files/fy2010piechartbw.pdf
5 PM, Wednesday, December 2nd at Federal Plaza,
corner of Adams and Dearborn Streets, Chicago, with a march to follow.
4) The Saturday following the surge announcement (December 5th), there will be a follow up action at Federal Plaza at 12 noon.
Chicago's anti-surge actions are co-sponsored by the following
8th Day Center for Justice
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice
American Friends Service Committee
ANSWER Chicago
Chicago Area CodePINK
Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
Chicago Committee to Bring the Troops Home Now
Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
Chicago Copwatch
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Chicago Labor Against the War
Chicago Socialist Party
Chicago World Can't Wait
Committee on Pilipino Issues (CPI)
Cook County Green Party
Gay Liberation Network
Generations for Peace
Hugh Spector
International Socialist Organization
International Solidarity Movement - Chicago
Logan Square Neighbors for Justice and Peace
Near West Citizens for Peace and Justice
Neighbors for Peace
News and Letters Committees
Nicaragua Solidarity Committee
North Shore Coalition for Justice, Peace and the Environment
Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project
Pax Christi St. Gertrude
Peace Pledge
Southsiders for Peace
Tikkun Community-Chicago Chapter
US Marxist-Humanists
We Are Change Chicago
Workers World Party
For more information email _CCAWR@aol.com_
---Also Very Important, as you are calling Congress this week and next to protest this surge, 1-800-828-0498, please make sure you ask your elected officials to sign on to
HR 3699 Barbara Lee's bill to to prohibit funding
for sending additional troops to Afghanistan. See below....
Lee outlined several letters that she signed to the President, including one
with her "sisters in the triad Lynn Woolsey (D-CA-6) and Maxine Waters
(D-CA-35); one with the Congressional Black Caucus; and another with 53
other members of Congress urging President Obama to reject a request for
more troops. She also cited the vote on an exit strategy in June that gained
138 votes, and her introduction of HR 3699 to prohibit funds for increasing
the number of troops in Afghanistan. It's important that we are publicizing
these efforts and magnifying their impact by making sure the public is aware
that there are members of Congress who are working to move the debate
Rep. Lee told the cheering crowd, "We all know there is no military solution
to the war in Afghanistan. She said her legislation sends a "clear and
unequivocal message and urged us to help build support for the bill. She
asked the crowd to "make some noise and be "the wind beneath our wings and
help push Congress to speak out for a new approach in Afghanistan.
This is absolutely a critical time to "make some noise. Reports today
indicate that President Obama is going to announce a plan on Tuesday that
will include sending around 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. Join
thousands of others around the country as part of our campaign to flood the
White House with calls. Call *1-202-456-1111* to tell President Obama to
support an alternative plan that doesn't include an increase in troops. Click
here<http://act.peaceact ionwest.org/ peaceactionwest/ issues/alert/ ?alertid= 14206361>to urge your representative to cosponsor Rep. Lee's bill to prohibit
funding for sending additional troops to Afghanistan.
We will show Obama and Congress that we are not going to just lie down and get fleeced!
Thank you so much for your Stand Against This Surge,
Dr. Lora