Synthetic Hormone Therapy Increases Breast Cancer Says JAMA Study, by Jeffrey Dach MD
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A new study published in the October 2010 issue of Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reviewed 11 years of data from the Womens Health Initiative Study. (1)
The author, Dr.Chlebowski, concluded that the synthetic Prempro Pill used in the study increases breast cancer, and these cancers tend to be the more aggressive. As might be expected, there was also increased breast cancer mortality in the synthetic hormone group. Note: PremPro is made by Wyeth (Pfizer) and is a combination of a horse estrogen- Premarin plus progestin-Provera (medroxyprogesterone).
In an accompanying editorial, Dr Bach comments that finding is , in fact old news, and this increased breast cancer from Progestin, a synthetic hormone, was not surprising to him. Previous studies had anticipated the effect.(2)
Censorship in The Media - Why Can't They Tell You About Progesterone ?
What I find incredible is that neither of the two JAMA articles nor anything in the news media mentions the fact that Progestins are chemicalized, altered versions of Progesterone. Nor do any of these articles even mention one word about Progesterone, which is the original human hormone that the drug companies are trying to copy. The synthetic copy is called a Progestin, an inferior, "monster" hormone that causes breast cancer. Progesterone is safer and more effective than any of the chemically altered progestins. So why not use progesterone? None of the articles say this. I find this form of self-censorship to be astounding. Doctors reading this JAMA article will not even think that Progesterone exists. It does exist. It is even FDA approved . Why the silence?
Bioidentical Hormones Are Safer and More Effective Than Synthetics
Progesterone, a bioidentical hormones, is preferable compared to synthetics. Firstly, the WHI Study (Women's Health Initiative Study) showed that synthetic hormones cause cancer and heart disease. If you look at the second arm of the WHI study, (which did not include a synthetic progestin), the breast cancer risk is significantly decreased. The cardiac risk was also decreased.
Therefore, the Progestin Was the Culprit
The culprit was the synthetic progestin called Provera, known for years to cause cancer and heart disease. As a matter of fact, three previous studies showed the same finding, that progestins cause breast cancer.
1) The Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project ( BCDDP ) had an 8 fold increase in breast cancer when they used a progestin.
2) The Swedish Record Review had a three fold increase in breast cancer with a progestin.
3) The Million Woman Study had a two fold increase.
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