Mike Connell, whom Stephen Spoonamore has named as Karl Rove's top election fixer,has been trying desperately to forestall a deposition in Ohio, using an expensive troika of GOP lawyers to quash the subpoena ordering him to sit down, under oath, and answer questions about how he's helped Bush/Cheney "win" since Florida 2000.
Connell's vigorous resistance only reconfirms what Spoonamore has said: that he's the man who (among other things) built and ran the system whereby Bush & Co. stole Ohio in 2004.
And Connell is now working for McCain, once more putting his peculiar talents at the service of the GOP, so as to force Bush/Cheney 2.0 on a national majority that doesn't want it. Word is that Connell has already set things up in six swing states, and has been tasked with running the subversive work there on Election Day.
Here, below, is a new call from Velvet Revolution, calling for McCain to fire Mike Connell, and to do it now.
Surely this is a no-brainer, since McPalin's team has lately pledged itself to honor an ideal of "honest and open elections," even setting up a sort of board of (seemingly) respectable "advisers," mostly (clueless) academics, to provide themselves (McPlain's team) with what looks like a civic seal of approval.
All kidding aside, it's absolutely crucial that we spread the word, right now, about Mike Connell's work for John McCain--because the Bush Repubs have just launched a big propaganda push to charge the Democrats with planning to steal this election.
Here's a piece on FOX News, re: the (non-existent) threat of "voter fraud" among Ohio's early voters:
And here's a good example of the new Republican attempt to cast ACORN as a major perpetrator of such "fraud":
(As noted yesterday, this effort just got helped along by the Democratic SoS in Nevada, who seems to want to see Obama lose.)
As I've been saying for years (that's no exaggeration, sadly), such pre-emptive and projective jive by the Republicans ought to have been disabled long ago, and would have been, if the Democrats had only told the truth about, and made an effort to confront, the vast election fraud and vote suppression by the Bush machine. But they did not; and so the GOP is trying
now to fill the gap with tons of perfect bullshit.
So let's get out the word about Mike Connell, and McCain's dependence on him for a "victory" next month--and that way we can put McBush's bull about Obama's "voter fraud" plot in its proper context, and thereby completely wipe it out.
Velvet Revolution Calls On John McCain To Fire Michael Connell For Covering Up For Karl Rove In Federal Election Manipulation Lawsuit
Velvet Revolution today issued a press release calling for Republican candidate John McCain to fire computer expert Michael Connell from his campaign for covering up alleged election manipulations of Karl Rove and others. Mr. Connell, the GOP's top computer expert, was subpoenaed based on a September 19th court order to testify under oath in an Ohio federal lawsuit looking into serious allegations that Mr. Rove has directed a strategy to illegally manipulate elections through the use of computer technology. Rather than cooperate in the investigation, Mr. Connell hired attorneys close to the Bush/Cheney Administration and refused to appear for the deposition arguing client (GOP) confidentiality. Those attorneys have said that they will do everything possible to keep Mr. Connell from testifying before the November general election.
Mr. Connell's refusal to comply with a federal subpoena looking into credible evidence that the upcoming presidential election will be manipulated is at odds with John McCain's promise to run a clean campaign. Another GOP cyber security expert, Stephen Spoonamore, has stated that Mr. Connell has vast experience and knowledge of the GOP computer networks at issue in the federal lawsuit. Mr. Connell has admitted to Mr. Spoonamore "that in his zeal to 'save the unborn' he may have helped others who have compromised elections."
Cliff Arnebeck, the Ohio election attorney who issued the subpoena, said Friday that he is aggressively moving to enforce the subpoena. "Mr. Connell has information about how the votes are tabulated in key states in the upcoming election. In order to ensure that the election is fair and accurate, Mr. Connell needs to testify under oath and pursuant to a lawful subpoena about how these votes are tabulated, whether the tabulation will be compromised and whether anyone has directed him to compromise those tabulations."
According to federal filings, Mr. Connell is working for John McCain to help him win the election. VR believes that until Mr. Connell testifies under oath about his apparent knowledge of election manipulations, he should not be working for Mr. McCain. If he does, the McCain campaign will appear to be in league with Mr. Connell to cover up criminal conduct and engage in election tampering. This will call into question the results of the November election and again cast a shadow over our election process.