Word on the street is that a deal was struck by Alabama's U.S. (Republican) Senators that allows the Bush appointed prosecutors to remain in control of my case. Last Sunday morning at a Civil Rights breakfast, Representative John Rogers, of Birmingham, spoke openly about this "deal" and asked everyone present to contact Rahm Emanuel.
First, we have to get Rahm Emanuel's attention because he will be the most important adviser to President Obama in this regard, and second, we need to get the National Democratic Party involved immediately.
I am in a time squeeze. My attorneys just filed a motion for a new trial based on newly discovered evidence that proves prosecutorial misconduct by my prosecutors; withholding evidence, reshaping the testimony of witnesses, and knowingly presenting false testimony. The conduct has been outrageous.
It is nonsense to think that the same Bush appointed prosecutors who perpetrated this misconduct will fairly review my charges of misconduct against them.
That's why I am pleading with you to:
1) Call or e-mail Rahm and ask him to help ensure that President Obama's, not President Bush/Karl Rove's, prosecutors decide my fate - by immediately removing these biased prosecutors from this case.
2) Call or e-mail the Democratic National Party Chairman, Governor Tim Kaine, and stress that the Democratic Party ask Eric Holder to remove these partisan prosecutors. Remember my prosecutor is the wife of Karl Rove's best friend, business and political partner. My prosecutor's husband has been identified in sworn testimony as having said he got Rove to get the DOJ to go after me. My prosecutor's husband was also my Republican opponent's campaign manager!
My motion for a new trial was based on the misconduct of this US Attorney in withholding critical evidence that would have made a difference in my trial.
The rabid Rove prosecutors must be immediately removed by the Obama Administration if I am ever to get a fair and impartial review of my case.
PLEASE, PLEASE call and write today. Ask for the removal of Leura Canary and her prosecutors, and ask that DOJ in Washington appoint unbiased prosecutors to review my motion for a new trial.
Hon. Rahm Emanuel,
Chief of Staff to President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
202-456-1111fax: 202-456-2461
Hon. Tim Kaine,
Chairman,Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003
Governor Don Siegelman
Governor of Alabama 1999-2003
PS: The New York Times released a reported that the DOJ whistle-blower who accused prosecutors in my case of misconduct was fired by the DOJ; the whistle-blower says it's "retaliation". Read more from the Times here.