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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 10/7/13

Thank a Teabagger

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Kathy Malloy
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Source: Mike Malloy

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The Ad Council should put out a new public service campaign about the government shutdown. Maybe they could call it: "Thank a Teabagger." We have some sample subject matter for their new ads.

If you are one of the 800,000 government workers furloughed without pay due to the government shutdown, thank a Teabagger for your new-found free time!

If your child is among those who were supposed to be admitted for cancer treatment at the National Institute of Health's clinical center (along with 170 adults), thank a Teabagger for making you explore homeopathic cancer treatment instead!

If you're the parent of one of the 2,000 newborns in Arizona who won't receive free formula because of forced cuts to the WIC program, thank a Teabagger for forcing variety into your newborn's diet.

If you're lost in a National Park, there's nobody to look for you! Thank a Teabagger for developing your "survivor-man" skills! (63-year-old Jo Elliott-Blakeslee is lost in the Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho)

If you come down with the flu, don't look to the CDC for help. Instead, thank a Teabagger for introducing you to Vitamin C!

If you're a widow of a fire-fighter, you won't receive survivor benefits. But thank a Teabagger for encouraging your entrepreneurial skills! (Heidi Adams, whose husband, Token, was killed investigating a fire in New Mexico last month, won't receive survivor benefits because there's no one at the National Forest Service to finalize the paperwork).

If you live in Louisana and are hungry, thank a Teabagger for your new, slimmer waistline! (The state Commodities Supplemental Food Program, which serves 64,000 people each month, doesn't have the funds to operate).

If you were affected by the recent floods, thank a Teabagger for your new digs at the Red Cross Shelter! (Processing of federal aid requests resulting from the recent floods in Colorado and New Mexico, and any other disasters, will be suspended).

There's more -- much, much, more. If you've got the stomach you can read about it here and here. And the true obscenity is all this pain and suffering. All these cancer-treatment denials, all these kids kicked off Head Start or baby formula, it's all because a bunch of toddlers in the House want to stomp their little feet and cry about the Affordable Care Act. Even though this government shutdown does NOTHING to advance their lost cause.

How does Ted Cruz sleep at night?

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Kathy never expected a career in radio as a talk show producer. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Kathy was completing her nursing degree when in 2001 - in an emergency - she was asked to fill in as the producer of Mike's program. Within a few (more...)
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