(Image by (From Wikimedia) NASA/Apollo 17 crew; taken by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans / https://web.archive.org/web/20160112123725/http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/ABSTRACTS/GPN-2000-001138.html (image link); see also https://nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/im, Author: See Source) Details Source DMCA
Blue Marble Planet
* This article is also appearing as a blog post at http://anewgaia.com
Epistemologist Gregory Baetson states that Nature's language is metaphor and metaphor is a language that connects. Mull that over in your mind. Scientist Fritzof Copra states of Baetson (http://www.anecologyofmind.com/bateson/):
In an age characterized by fragmentation and overspecialization, Bateson challenged the basic assumptions and methods of several sciences by looking for patterns connecting different phenomena and for processes beneath structures.
Could it be possible that the language of metaphor has come under attack through the centuries by the "ruling elite" in order to keep people ignorant of Truth, or Nature (Essence) and Her power. In suppressing the relational language of metaphor, the elite have been able to suppress the majority of the populations of this world through a "divide and conquer" mentality. Thus, as Chief Seattle reportedly states:
"You have man against woman, children against parents and left against right. We think you people are crazy."
Chief Seattle is simply pointing out the insanity of the European and Middle Eastern philosophy of dualism. This is the language we have been indoctrinated with, and it is the language that helps to keep us enslaved to the system.
When you think of the essence of duality, how silly would it be to imagine a woman slapping the left side of her face with her right hand and the right side of her face with her left?
This is exactly what we are doing in today's world in our left (liberal) vs right (conservative) politics. Yet, when one really sees the patterns, there is a corporate elite pulling the strings to both left and right. Could it all be an orchestrated drama show to keep us stupid? Yes, our slapping ourselves in the face sure is entertaining!
Divide and conquer. Meditate on that. This is exactly why we have such an absurd predicament in our culture.
One of the ways we are kept ignorant of unity while remaining in the drama of duality has been through fostering a divisive understanding of spiritual teachings and writings.
Yet, if we open our eyes past the divisive mentalities that we have been indoctrinated with, a pattern emerges across the world that has been held from the public eye by the powers that foster the divide. This mentality has been cultivated in order to keep people in fear and ignorant of going into unifying states of mind that induce change.
How can we make war if we saw ourselves as brothers and sisters? Would the ruling parties want you to realize this relationship to each other and all life. Or are their brainwashing ideals such as the absurd notion of the "battle of the sexes" serving a sinister purpose?
Indeed, perhaps if men and women began to really see themselves, they would see their being opposites is the same as looking into a mirror image. Thus, in a mirror, left becomes right and in male and female the inner becomes the outer. Testicles and penis mirror vagina and ovaries.
How many inhabitants of the Christian churches attend to the commandment that speak to seeing ourselves in the "other." Commandments such as "judge not lest ye be judged?" Or, how about "love thy enemy / neighbor as thyself." I would further argue that these Christians are deeply manipulated into their divisive mentalities, and away from their own teachings, in order to foster the agenda of those that wish to keep the world under their thumb. "Divide and conquer" is the motive of that agenda. Watch mainstream news for 30 seconds with open eyes and you'll see it unfold before your eyes. Transcend the division and look at how the two warring parties mirror one another.
Where do we begin to see our deep unity? Let's explore some of the creation myths from throughout the world in order to understand the common themes behind them, so that we may begin to heal from the divide and conquer mentality that we have been indoctrinated with (see Hall, 2007):
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