I've been writing for some time now about the overthrow of the United States government by lobbyist and special interest groups. We have documented this coup extensively at VoteStrike.com the most recent example of this being the Paulson bail-outs.
My congressman's web site had a pole showing that 97.3% of his constituents were opposed to the bailout. He totally ignored that and voted "Yes". Who controls Washington? Not us.
Wednesday afternoon press briefing: House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer comments, “We need 100 Republican votes to pass this. House leaders are bringing in the business lobby and the banking lobby to buy the 12 Republican votes they need.”
Our great Republic has been bought and sold.
Our votes have been hijacked by privilege and special interest.
Our democracy is a lie, and regardless of who wins this Presidential election, the American people lose. When lobbyists wine, dine and bribe every politician, regardless of their party affiliation, our votes become worthless.
Washington is broke. Nothing gets fixed because we've lost our country to greedy heartless corporations. We've all been told of corporate responsibility, but the reality is they will ship our jobs over-seas without blinking an eye, just for a little bigger piece of the pie; for themselves.
They will advertise junk we don't need, serve us food with no nutrional value, and deny us independence from foriegn oil, fossil fuels, and debt. Then blame us for accepting their credit while demanding a bail-out.
When governments are run by corporations instead of by The People- the people suffer. Many of us are finally waking up to this. When you hear people as diverse as Bill Cosby and Dennis Kucinich both screaming the same message to America: WAKE UP! you realize that you are not completely alone.
At VoteStrike.com, we're bringing diverse groups together to work against those who seek to destroy our country. It is not only control of the media which keeps the lying thieves in power, but divide-and-conquer tactics, which diminishes our powers.
We MUST realize that we are not Republicans and we are not Democrats or even Independents; that we are not white or black or Asian; that we are not Christians, Muslims or atheist; that we are not even men and women; but we are all Americans. We are all of these things and we are none of these things, we are ONE. ONE We The People, ONE America, and as Americans, we need to set aside our differences and work on defeating the enemy which is killing all of us.
VoteStrike.com is seeking a few good activists. We need to start local chapters to remove local politicians through recalls. We need writers, video producers, editors, bloggers, etc. You do not need to agree with every position we take, we hope that you don't. Like the founding fathers, we believe that dissent is a good thing. But everyone agrees that we have a common enemy: The average American is already speaking: webpage comments, blogs, Youtube videos, articles, art work. We are all saying the same things.