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The Game Of The Rich

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Mark Sashine
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"The people who attract people by their happiness and their performance are usually inexperienced but they learn quite rapidly how not to be overrun and they learn how to go away. But they have not learned about the good, the attractive, the charming, the soon- beloved, the generous, the understanding rich who have no bad qualities and who give each day the quality of festival and who, when they passed and taken the nourishment they needed leave everything deader than the roots   of any grass Attila's   horses hooves have ever scoured'


  1. Hemingway

The Movable Feast




Why do I have to say   that?   Isn't it obvious?   Hadn't it been obvious from the start?

Libya, as Iraq before or Afghanistan now   is being overrun by the Rich. Rich people are bored to death. They wake up and go to sleep with one and only one   desire only -- to have fun.   Sex, money, power are boring. The most thrilling   game   of all is playing with people's destinies, define the lives or deaths   of individuals, groups, nations, etc.    The ultimate dream of the rich people is to sit at the   main     water taps of the Earth and at the main sun shutters; opening and closing those at their pleasure. The main desire of theirs is to treat other people as cockroaches.    And they   go for that goal. And we   eat it.


Whether   it is Darfur, Russia, Libya or Chile, adoption of a child or of a region, NGO or whatever- the rich paw and paw people there   because they   first kill the Independence. First they come smiling and healthy and tanned and seemingly free; maybe not them but their pilot fishes. Those pilot fishes   go to the places where people live still independently   but difficult and start to show glossy pictures.   Sometimes those pilot fishes are     government organizations, CIA officers or just   young puppies, bushy-tailed and stupid, full of arrogance and    charm, so- self- confident. Sometimes they are liberals,    fighters for the rights of women. Sometimes they are religious zealots. There is one thing they have in common, though; they all are damned SOBs with no hearts and no souls and they all   are there to destroy.   That's the first thing they do- destroy. They tell people not to take care of each other .They empower people   not for success; they   push them against each other. That's the amusement of the Rich; they love   to see people suffer, to get weak and dependent, so that then they can   look good as some kind of saviors.   Rich want to be loved   but they do not want respect. They do not know   what respect it. They want the   puppy love, the only possible love they know. That love they try to manufacture at any cost. In this   complex world     Love is the most precious commodity and if   you cannot get the true love   you go for a surrogate. Rich   cannot get the true love; they thus hate it whenever they encounter it. They destroy all social communities and push the idea that everyone is on his/her own. For that they have an army of pilot fishes, all those pundits, politicians, entertainment folks, you name it.   Those people manufacture   the consent to create the proper way to invade, destroy,   kill. Yes, kill   because   the first thing the Rich do- they kill the spirit of self-determination and   the people who have it. They attack any stable way of life because they love instability. They     divide women and men   in the families because it is fun to watch family tragedies and make movies about that. They   go   after the children. They debase religions   by    catering to the stupid cult   of pseudo- Christianity and promoting total ignorance as a virtue. And of course,   whenever they encounter a  predatory individual   or a group they offer them to join the fun. That's why we have Carlyle   Group. That's why we have the Three Harpies in the White House. That's why we   ourselves become an entertainment of the Rich from   Hef to Trump and Koch brothers. Like Hef    enjoys   having   chicks around him Koch brothers enjoy having movements,   creating and destroying people, groups,   mass hysteria. What can be more fun?


If people figure it out and resist   our Rich brats bare their fangs. They send armies, drones, bombers and Navy. They spread lies and slander. They go around   the Globe complaining. They adopt resolutions and call people terrorists.   Their pilot fishes now have guns. All for democracy   and all for entertainment. Libya, phew!   They are only warming up. And whenever   it doesn't work for them like in Cuba or in Belarus, they howl like   werewolves   and   NEVER   forget. Their malice has no limits. There is nothing   more sinister   than the unsuccessful rapist.


Yes,   the good, well-intentioned Rich are rapists. That's their philosophy. Listen to them; they have nothing to hide.   Whenever you hear that diatribe about "our interests', "our   right to interfere'   or "what we do to them'-that's the Rich talking. That's the Lily Marlene and Joerst Vesssel (Nazi songs) of the pilot fishes on the prowl, marching in columns,     Beware, because   if you are not one of them   you will end in the box   like all other cockroaches.   Bear no illusions;   Rich   are never satisfied and   never stop on their own.   You need a lot of   guts to stop them.

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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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