After years of meditation, I gradually became aware of a Hidden Life that I never knew existed. I had heard reports of some taking LSD or some psychoactive drug and they have also found this Hidden Life. I am glad my transformation came slowly. I am afraid too profound of an experience such as a mind expanding drug high would have been too much for me. These drugs have been too much for many.
However, I have had many teens on the Navajo reservation tell me of their participation in the Peyote ceremony of the Native American Church. I never heard one tell me of any negative effects from the ceremony that would last all night long. One girl told me how a vision gained during the Peyote ceremony had helped ease her family's loss. For years the girl's parents and family had been grieving over the death of their son in a motorcycle accident. The girl reported that during the ceremony, she had seen her brother smiling at her and waving.
"What did he wear and how did he look?" I asked.
"He was just wearing his usual clothes, jeans and a t-shirt, and he seemed happy," she said.
This experience with the Hidden Life had profound benefits for the girl and her family.
My experience in the Hidden Life also has had a profound impact on me. One of the first things I noticed was that plants had an active life. Once while in the midst of a severe drought, a big storm was about to give its life giving rains on the earth. I was struck with the joy and excitement the plants felt as they anticipated the coming rains. It was a shock to me that plants had this type of life but I treasured the experience. Also, I became acutely aware of the feelings and emotions in animals. I felt a deep kinship with the animals and also the plants of the earth. Now I realize that it is not just the people, plants, and animals that have a wonderful "Hidden" Life but that all that exists has a life that we are in kinship with.
But the physical world to me is just a manifestation of the spiritual world or the world of consciousness. The physical world that seems to unfold according to karmic law, action and reaction, is actually unfolding in accord with the vibratory rate of our being. Our lives are an intricate web of attractions and repulsions that play out in a vibratory dance that is literally music if we had ears to hear.
There is also the hidden spiritual world that I have had the benefit of having access to at times. I am not like some that have access to this world at their own choosing. My experiences usually have come upon me when I have not expected them. I have not chosen to access this world but I allow the world to access me.
I have written of my experiences with ghosts but there have been other experiences with the hidden spiritual world that had a profound impact on me. Once while having a seizure (the first and only one of my life) I became aware of a large group of former (deceased) friends and family that were around me. I thought that I had died.
I asked them, "Is it my time to go?"
"No," they replied, " we just wanted for you to say hello to everyone for us."
That glimpse into the other realm has obviously had a profound impact on me. I was struck that they didn't have any great knowledge or information to communicate but just that they wanted to impart their greetings and feelings for their loved ones here on earth.
Still there are beings that live in the Hidden Life that are higher spiritual helpers or guides. There are also dark entities that feed off the suffering and fear of humanity. It is our choice whether we want to walk in light or in darkness. These entities are drawn to us by the very vibratory pattern of our being just like friends and associates are drawn to us by that very same pattern of being. It is not so different in the hidden life.
After years of meditation I have also became aware of my spiritual family, the Thunder Beings. Interestingly, these beings are not only celebrated among the Native Peoples but also among the Tibetan Buddhists. They impart thunder wisdom and thunder compassion. The Tibetan Buddhists call this vajrayana or the thunder vehicle for realizing enlightenment.
Vajrayana ...Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism encompasses Vajrayana (a Sanskrit word that is a conjunction of vajra which may be translated as diamond, thunder or indestructible and yana or vehicle). It is said that Vajrayana practice is the fastest method for attaining Buddhahood, however this is only the case for advanced practitioners who have a solid and reliable grounding in the preliminary practices (which may be categorized as renunciation, Bodhicitta and Wisdom, specifically, the wisdom realizing emptiness).....
These Thunder Beings, like the other holy ones, are working among us in the Hidden Life. But also these bodhisattva beings are manifest among us as people that live in Love and seek to be a help and a comfort to others. I personally believe that at this time there are more and more people that are incarnating with deep connections to the holy realms. Why? Because the earth and its life faces serious threats not only to its quality of life but to its existence. The holy ones are there helping humanity but only if humanity is willing to be still, listen, and accept the help.
So that is the key to the Hidden Life. You must be willing to be still, quieten your mind, and be open to it. It takes great patience but as Lao Tzu had once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath ones feet." I believe that it is important, now more than ever, that more and more of humanity be willing to allow that spiritual connection.