Invasion of Iraq? Afghanistan? Pakistan? Iran maybe? No -- Pittsburgh, right here in the good old USA!
Well, the"security" forces now in place, in THEY come, under deep, deep, deep security, if not surreptitiously, then certainly somehow undetected by any mere pitiable citizen's meager senses of perception. Who are THEY? THEY are the G-20 leaders, presidents, prime ministers, and such, and their wives. THEY run the world -- well, maybe. Perhaps THEY serve those who run the world who would just as soon avoid the notoriety, thereby sending in their surrogates.
In the guarded glimpses we ordinary citizens are permitted by the media (or their masters) we see a lot of smiles, handshakes, European style quick cheek-to-cheek non-kisses and such. And there are brief clips of oratory featuring such highlights as "cooperation," "progress," and "looking forward"and a range of platitudinosity. All and all, it's difficult for an intelligent mere citizen to figure out what is actually going on, which may in fact be the plan, nevertheless it is worrisome because no doubt our future welfare or doom is featured.
Meanwhile, out on the business side of the "security" lines, phalanxes of outsiders contract politzei, ninja-turtle-like in their black riot armor and helmets are advancing in half-step shuffle mode, all in unison while beating their riot batons upon their shields in the rhythm of their dirge-like gait, putting Tiananman Square to shame by comparison. Surely this cannot be happening in America! Actually it is.
Who are their targets? Well, the citizens, mostly kids, in not very large groups of perhaps fifty or a hundred, and their crime it appears is asking the cop-thugs to go away, to let them pass and to speak, and yes they -- tears streaming down burning faces and choking coughs -- occasionally manage to toss back one of the tear gas canisters at the G-20 praetorian guards who initially launched them. Meanwhile in the background, scary looking armored humvees roam menacingly, helicopters circle overhead, fighter-bombers howl across the sky, while the gunboats churn the city's three rivers.
Welcome to Pittsburgh, America, 2009! The Founding Fathers despair in their heavenly stations, while America watches the network news. And here is the major media's biggest dumbest bunny, Wolf Blitzer on CNN announcing that the "disorder" in Pittsburgh is "caused by anarchists disobeying police orders!" Really, that's what he said! We DISOBEYED POLICE ORDERS! Apparently, that explains everything, my fellow citizens!
And then America went to bed, the other 299 million non-Pittsburghians of us relieved we were not there in the "disorders"but "looking forward" to tomorrow.