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The Last Days of American Democracy?

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Arlen Grossman
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The Democratic Party received an unexpected gift package, wrapped in blue ribbons and bows, on May 2 from the United States Supreme Court. But the gift will only be beneficial if the Democrats use it wisely.

The gift, of course, is the draft resolution of the Court's ruling on access to abortion. This Supreme Court intends to erase Roe vs. Wade, the decision, nearly 50 years ago, that gave women the right to make their own choices about reproductive issues rather than have a legislative body of mostly old, white men make the decision for them. Other constitutional rights and laws, considering the conservative makeup of this court, are at risk.

Supreme Court protest over plans to overturn Roe v. Wade and restrict women's freedom
Supreme Court protest over plans to overturn Roe v. Wade and restrict women's freedom
(Image by vpickering from flickr)
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The political situation in this country is precarious, especially amidst a worldwide trend favoring autocracy over democracy. Conditions here will worsen if the Democrats aren't willing to stand up to the bizarre cult-like mob that calls itself the Republican Party. Reproductive choices, gay marriage and other civil rights could be swept away in the drive to remake this country into a right-wing, autocratic theocracy.

That danger is very real. Polling has indicated that Republicans are on the verge of retaking the House and Senate in the coming midterm election. The enthusiasm, the energy, and the passion these days has been coming from the pro-Trump, MAGA wing of the Republican Party.

In comparison Democrats seem to be in a semi-comatose state, unable to figure out how to slow the momentum of this alt-right movement. The party is now forced to take on the important task of contrasting their likelihood to protect our Constitutional rights and freedoms versus Republican attempts to restrict them.

If that goes well, the Democratic base could be fired up enough to vote and inspire others to do the same. If successful, the Democratic Party might, against all odds, be able to gain seats in Congress and state legislatures across the country.

If not, we may be witnessing the final days of democracy in the United States. The imperfect form of democracy we've tried to maintain and improve since the founding of our country almost 250 years ago, is losing its grip and could very well come to an end in a matter of months. Most Americans aren't aware and don't understand the significance of changing from a democracy to authoritarianism. They may soon find out.

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Arlen is a writer/blogger living in Monterey, CA. His political blog is thebigpicturereport.com. He also wrote a quotation quiz "What's Your QQ?" at the Monterey Herald for 9 years. Arlen is a guest every Monday talking politics on Hal (more...)

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