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The Launch of AAFL TV - Bold, New and Deliciously Diverse!

By Justin Samuels  Posted by Justin Samuels (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   No comments

Justin Samuels
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The Asian American Film Lab, a non-profit dedicated to the promotion and support of ethnic and gender diversity in film and television, announces the launch of AAFL TV -- entertainment that means something!


AAFL TV. - Asian American Film Lab, Inc

PRLog (Press Release)
 - Sep. 2, 2013 - NEW YORK -- The Asian American Film Lab ("Film Lab") will be launching AAFL TV, a production arm, this fall to address demands for compelling, diverse, original entertainment content.  With the launch of its first pilot series on September 30, 2013, AAFL TV will be an essential destination for those looking for innovative, original entertainment that accurately reflects the diverse demographics of US society.

Currently, the Film Lab's website (asianamericanfilmlab.org) and YouTube channels feature a wide array of short films made under the auspices of the Film Lab's acclaimed annual 72 Hour Shootout ("Shootout") filmmaking competition. These short films showcase stories focused on Asian Americans and other Americans of color, and range from comedy to drama to mystery and everything in between. The Film Lab has seen an explosion of interest in diverse, original creative content based on the Shootout and a corresponding rising level of dissatisfaction with some mainstream programming for a lack of diversity and/or perpetuation of racial stereotypes. With that in mind, the Film Lab is launching AAFL TV this fall to provide contemporary, original content by, for and about diverse Americans--content that not only entertains, but also accurately reflects the diversity of the United States, both in front of and behind the camera.

"The Shootout is always exciting because filmmakers of color can come together to tell their stories in a way that many feel Hollywood simply won't let them," explained Jennifer Betit Yen, the President of the Film Lab. "However, we at the Lab wanted to continue that kind of artistic and creative empowerment year-round and actually produce, create and showcase recurring episodic-style programming that gives entertainers of color a platform and a voice.  Entertainment "and something more."

AAFL TV has approved 4 pilots, ranging from a comedy series to a news show to an interactive drama, which will be released consecutively, beginning on September 30, 2013.  Past 72 Hour Shootout competitors have been invited to submit proposals for future shows, and two of the new pilots were written by Top Ten Shootout filmmakers Daniel Finley and Kamran Khan.

"It's important for people of all racial backgrounds who want more realistic and diverse programming to check out AAFL TV," noted Board member Peyton Worley. "Every time they watch a show, they're not only going to be entertained, they're going to support diversity at the same time. Just by watching a fun show, from a short webisode to a film, they can be part of something bigger."

AAFL TV will showcase actors, writers and directors from multiple racial backgrounds. Retired NYPD Detective Ray Gunn, who plays a role in MY NOT SO subCONSCIOUS, said, "AAFL TV has afforded me a chance to showcase my unique traits, perspectives and talents." Laughing, he added, "I guess there is life after 20 years with the NYPD!"

Actor/writer Christine Toy Johnson, who is featured in of one of the upcoming AAFL TV pilots, commented, "I'm honored to be part of the first episode...sharing stories with the ever-charming and engaging host, Whit K. Lee!"

Field recorder and sound designer Luis Inestroza, describing his experience working on the set during the filming of MY NOT SO subCONSCIOUS, enthused, "It's been nothing but joy working with the diverse talent at AAFL. The content provided is new and refreshing, which makes me even more exited for AAFL TV!"

About AAFL TV's Fall Lineup

-- American Asians in Theatre, TV, Film, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Hosted by Whitney K. Lee, American Asians in Theatre, TV, Film, Etc., Etc., Etc. takes a lighthearted look at race and race relations in entertainment through interviews and re-enactments. The pilot episode will feature actor/writer Christine Toy Johnson.


A comedy series in which a woman's inner thoughts take on a life of their own--literally!  Written by 72 Hour Shootout Top Ten finalist Hasselblad and 2010 Masters competition semifinalist and PDN Magazine's PIX Digital Imaging Contest finalist Kamran Khan, and acted in and co-produced by Accolade Award winning actor and Film Lab President Jennifer Betit Yen.  This series will premiere on September 30, 2013.


A comedic and "lightly" educational web series in which a grad student starts a blog to describe her experience as a newcomer to New York City and, in the process, discovers her roommates are none other than the goddesses Pele and Guan Yin. This series is based on a concept co-created by Film Lab staffer Jodie Chiang, who is also an Athena Scholar at Barnard College.


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Screenwriter. Historian. BA in History and certificate in Latin American studies from Cornell University. MA in English Education from Columbia University. Very interested in public policy.

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