A new day is dawning.
We are very much entrenched in the dark caverns of our culture, and deny the Natural world outside our minds. We are indeed an alienated lot. We live in darkness for we do not know who we are.
We identify ourselves with our egos, what we think we are. But, we are more than that. Even as we read and write this article, billions of actions are occurring inside of us. Cells mutate, food is digested, heart rate is monitored, and communicative signals travel between brain and heart.
The body ultimately is a network that builds itself from the moment sperm meets egg till now. If you truly attend to the way a fetus develops, you would perhaps remark that we built ourselves. And, we continue to build ourselves in relation to the environment.
When we emerged from the watery paradise of the womb, we knew how to breathe in the air of the surrounding room. The knowledge for that drastic change was always within us. Can we say the same thing for the changes occurring in our world today?
We are one with Nature. This is why we strive to emerge into the light of day from the dark depths of our unconscious minds, which, unfortunately, we believe to be conscious. The consciousness that is really unconscious is that aspect of mind reading and writing this article. The unconscious that is more conscious is that which is sending signals to your brain, which then weeds out that which you think is your consciousness doesn't need to know. The humor to this is that the unconscious is conscious of what the conscious doesn't know, making what we think is conscious, which is reading this page, the unconscious!
The part of you
reading this article is 99.999% oblivious to what is going
on! This is because this aspect of consciousness is focused on one
subset of information.
Could you imagine how complex it would be if your consciousness was monitoring heart rate, liver function, etc? Talking about a serious form of attention deficit!
For example, as I write, there are crickets chirping outside my window. Until I wanted an example, I was unaware of them. Thus, there was something in me that WAS conscious of the chirping crickets. When this ego mind sought an example for his readers, the crickets came into focus. Thus, I had an example.
"Seek and Ye Shall Find!" It was there all along.
Our light is none other than who we are....who we are in and by Nature. Nature is OUR Nature. It is by Nature that we formed ourselves in our mother's wombs, it is by Nature that we form ourselves upon this Earth, our planetary Mother. It is our planetary Mother who spins Her life within Space, which in ancient Egypt was the Goddess Nuit who births and swallows the Sun.
As it is on Earth for us human beings, so it is for Earth within Nuit. Nuit is infinitely pregnant with scores of planets, suns and other heavenly bodies sailing throughout Her depths.
As above, so below is the cosmic rule! Gaze into the night-time skies and see yourself replicated. What is true cosmically, is true for all of us. Indeed, it has been said that 99.999% of our bodies are empty space. What is within the cosmos is within us.
Our atoms are in relationship to space in the same way planets, suns and other bodies relate to each other and intergalactic space. All of us are sisters and brothers: the waters, the birds, trees, and bees existing alongside you and me. We are Life living in the form of whoever we are.
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