All well and good. Obama is still a great orator. Hopefully this time around he will go beyond the lofty rhetoric and actually live his own words.
But alas, I am not here to talk about Obama. I am here to talk about those Americans whose vision of America's future would make Mad Max cringe. I am, of course, talking about America's "intellectually-challenged"denizens of the far-right.
They are here. They are fear. And, much to our mortal danger, we've gotten used to it.
Now that an African-American president has won, not once, but twice, subversive right-wingers are going to ground. Because, just like Chairman Mao, America's far right believes that, ultimately, " All political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. "
Which is the real reason they want to be able to buy, own and carry military-type assault rifles bedazzled with 30-round clips.
Deer, burglars, varmints and target shooting are the excuses. Uncle Sam is the real game. No doubts about it ... at least if you are paying attention to what they say to one another.
Which raises the question -- does Homeland Security care as much about honkey terrorists as they do about Arab terrorists? If a bunch of self-avowed Muslims were crowding gun shows and stocking up on ammo and clips and semi-automatics, Homeland Security would come unglued.
But let a bunch of white American rednecks load military-grade guns and ammo in to pickups emblazoned with bumper sticker slogans like this, and they just shrug it off:
So, is the Department of Justice, and the 50 associated state Attorney Generals, yet prepared to stop playing along with the right's fiction about how Second Amendment applies today in exactly the same ways it applied nearly three centuries ago when "rapid fire" meant two-rounds a minute?
Are we, as a nation, finally ready to accept that, just as nuclear weapons profoundly changed the concept and reality of "all-out warfare," the killing capacity of modern firearms have changed the practical meaning of the Second Amendment. (Or, as someone else once said, "The Constitution is a social contract, not a suicide pact."
Okay, enough from me. What do I know? All I do is keep my eyes and ears open and notice stuff. Hopefully someone in the DOJ is noticing this too. And then straps on a pair and does something about these phony "patriots," -- who are in reality, The Enemy Within.