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The Rise and Rise of the Regime Renovators (Another Splendid Little Coup) Part One

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'It has been a splendid little war, begun with the highest motives, carried on with magnificent intelligence and spirit, favored by that Fortune which loves the brave.' US Secretary of State John Hay, referencing the Spanish-American War of 1898, in a letter to Teddy Roosevelt, July 27 of that year, the war ushering in America's Imperial epoch and unambiguously heralding its hegemonic ambitions.

'I've seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate [people]".We've gone there to conquer, not to redeem. It should be our pleasure and duty to make people free, and let them deal with their own domestic questions in their own way. [I] am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.' Comments by Mark Twain, anti-imperialist, reflecting on the real objectives of America's war with Spain.

'War is the continuation of politics by other means.' Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian general, military theorist.

'Politics is the continuation of war by other means.' Michel Foucault, French philosopher, social theorist.

'And the circle goes round and round'. Anon

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-- In Regime Change, We Trust --

For those folks with the requisite sense of irony and historical perspective, many will be rolling their eyes at the rampant hysteria over the as yet evidence-free accusations of interference by Russia in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Which is to say, one of the manifest realities attending this latest Beltway blockbuster soap opera is that of America's own track record of meddling in the affairs of other countries, comprising as it does so many forms. I say "realities" rather than ironies here as "irony" almost by definition is infused with a measure of nuance and subtlety, neither of which could it be said are in abundance in this utterly contrived, self-serving political hullaballoo. (For a further measure of just how "contrived" and "self-serving" it is, see here, here, here, here, and here.)

Insofar as Russia's alleged meddling in U.S. politics goes and the animus that attends the hysteria, as Oliver Stone discovered during his recent appearance on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert-- itself hot on the heels of his much publicised four hour meet 'n greet with Russian president Vladimir Putin wherein it was earlier raised -- he was at pains to impress upon his host that Israel had a much bigger case to answer than did Russia.

Of course Stone was on the money here. The unalloyed reality of the power and influence that Israel exerts within and across the morally and ethically desertified landscape that is the nation's capital is a given, with the Middle East's only 'democratic' settler-colonizer apartheid regime leaving few stones unturned -- and exhibiting little discretion and subtlety yet more or less equal parts chutzpah and subterfuge -- in how it wields then leverages that influence to its advantage and against the interests of its principal patron and benefactor.

But that's clearly a narrative that doesn't bode well in the Beltway at the best of times, and more rational, clear-eyed folks know the reasons why. For one, the corporate media, for the most part doesn't entertain such verities. Even if they were inclined, the omnipotent Israel Lobby would cut them off at the knees. And for his part, the smarmy Colbert, presumably aware which side his bread is buttered on, was reluctant to take Stone's bait, much it seemed to his interviewee's frustration.

Beyond just interfering in U.S. politics, along with the parent Empire la perfide Albion, one of America's steadfast partners-in-crime in the regime renovation business are the ubiquitous and iniquitous Israelis, an observation underscored by Against our Better Judgment author Alison Weir on her blog If Americans Knew.

Long targeted by Israel, for Weir Iran especially provides an instructive example herein. With the Saudis as back-up, it is Israel -- ably supported by its Praetorian Guard AIPAC and its ilk along with its shills in Congress -- that's been the hard-core driver of Washington's seemingly irrational animus towards all things Iran. Along with underscoring Israel's clout in Washington, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's 2015 Congressional dog 'n pony show fiercely opposing the Iran Nuclear agreement then being negotiated by the Obama administration provides some of the best evidence for this.

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Greg Maybury is a Perth (Australia) based freelance writer. His main areas of interest are American history and politics in general, with a special focus on economic, national security, military and geopolitical affairs, and both US domestic and (more...)

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