Pop quiz: Who is the most worthless member of George W. Bush's cabinet? BZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Time's up. If you said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, you win the smoked turkey.
Remember Bush's racist, off-hand remark about "his" two African-American cabinet level appointees, then- Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Advisor Rice? Asked obliquely about his commitment to race neutrality in nominating advisors and cabinet members, Bush said, yeah, whenever he's asked that he just points to Colin Powell and Condi. Whew! And he got a pass on that. Fact is, Bush's statement - while carefully scripted - shows not only his absolute racism, but also the degree of "tokenism" Rice and Powell accepted with their appointments.
Since the beginning of this corrupt administration, matters of U.S. foreign policy - matters of State - have been devised, managed, and implemented by Dick Cheney and his hand-picked cadre of war criminals and killers. That group of thugs has included I. Lewis Libby, David Addington, John Hannah, David Wurmser, Samantha Ravitch, Abram Shulsky, Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton - the list is a veritable rogue's gallery of sociopaths, warmongers and Likudniks.
Not a single U.S. foreign policy decision or program has been initiated by Rice. Her tenure as Security Advisor and Secretary of State has been a sad joke if not for the fact that hundreds of thousands of people have been bombed, burned, killed, and forced to become refugees as a result of her vacuous ineptitude and monumental superfluity.
Rice is a poser, a designated diversion from the evil being engineered by Cheney and his gang; a stylish, arrogant, unruffled failure who seems to have an attitude that merges Nero's and that of Marie Antoinette. The planet burns; Rice buys shoes.
The list of those countries whose leaders no longer trust or respect the U.S. grows daily; Rice takes a trip. Violence and death flares and explodes in the Middle East; Rice drops in to have tea with Ehud Olmert. The world's leaders - especially those in the Middle East - see her as completely useless in any situation that begs for deliberation, hope, ideas, a solution. She is seen as a joke, a manque, window dressing in Bush's corruption.
Prior to her appointment as Bush The Younger's National Security Advisor (her most notable accomplishment in that capacity was her complete failure to act on the PDB of August, 6, 2001) Rice had served Bush The Elder as his Soviet and East European Affairs Advisor during the political breakup of the Soviet Union. She often has been touted as an expert on Russian (Soviet) Affairs, although any evidence of that expertise is ephemeral at best - nonexistent at worst. (Quick! See what you can find regarding Rice's usefulness - to the U.S. or to the Russians - during that period of Soviet contraction and dissolution in the late 1980s and early 1990s.)
Which brings us to the current Russian crisis. The hot war now raging between Russia and the Republic of Georgia is yet another indicator of both Rice's uselessness and the ongoing global chaos perpetrated by the Cheney Cabal. His acid fingerprints are all over this destructive confrontation. This is a crisis years in the making, with a bloody explosion so inevitable it could have been predicted by even the most inexperienced U.S. foreign service employee.
The damage done, Rice is now hustled onstage to declare her usual rhetorical nonsense when an utter catastrophe such as this one explodes with no evident foreknowledge or contingent planning on the part of the U.S. (Except, of course, our clandestine actions as the behind-the-scenes instigator. That, after all - national convulsions, civil disruptions, war - is what has given Dick Cheney such a hideous and deserved reputation and yet another example of what qualifies him as a future defendant before an international war crimes tribunal.)
The Reuters News Agency reports: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Tuesday urged Russia and Georgia to end hostilities, saying progress apparently had been made toward a cease fire but it was important that all parties stop fighting. "I believe that they believe that they have made some progress and we welcome that and we certainly welcome the EU mediation," Rice told reporters at the White House after briefing President George W. Bush on French-led European Union efforts to mediate with Russia.
"It is very important now that all parties cease fire," Rice said. "The Georgians have agreed to a cease fire. The Russians need to stop their military operations as they have apparently said that they will. But those military operations really do now need to stop. "Rice said the United States supported Georgia's elected government. "I want to make very clear that the United States stands for the territorial integrity of Georgia, for the sovereignty of Georgia, that we support its democratically elected government and its people," she said.
This is declaratory nonsense. Gibberish. Utter bullshit spoken by a shill for the most warlike and corrupt regime in U.S. history.
As a result of her inability to provide effective leadership - any leadership for that matter - Rice should resign immediately. And the duties of the Secretary of State? They have been Dick Cheney's since the beginning of this horrific period of U.S. political history - the Administration of George W. Bush. Let's stop pretending its otherwise.