When Akhenaten made the Sun the symbol of the One God he forbid the worship of many gods. This was perhaps a move to diminish the political power of the Priests. Of course the priests revolted against Akhenaten and pressured his son Tutankhamun to erase all references to the One God and to Akhenaten from most of the stelae, statues and art. Since then little has changed.
The priesthood fooled us into believing the Lord (Jehovah) is the One true God (Elohim}. Jehovah is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. Je 10:10, As people believe the Bible is the ultimate truth it's no wonder Jehovah has Jews Christians and Moslems making the earth tremble with their religious wars. Yahweh, the 'God' of the Bible is described in Psalm 18:8 Smoke rose from His nostrils, and consuming fire came from His mouth; coals were set ablaze by it and also in Samuel 22:9. "There went up a smoke out of his [Yahweh] nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it." Jehovah was originally conceived of as a local storm God like Enlil, Siva, Zeus and Indra.
Aurobindo Ghose, was an Indian nationalist, philosopher, yogi, guru, and poet. He was a great influence in the Indian movement for independence from British rule, and then became a spiritual reformer, introducing his visions on human progress and spiritual evolution. Sri Aurobindo characterized the term Overmind to encapsulate the consciousness of the greatest prophets the world has ever known. However he observed that the Overmind still has the potential to become a Nietzschean superman and believes we need another Consciousness rather than a Super- consciousness. His advice is to disconnect from gods and religions.
We have lived under the influence of these gods for thousands of years as their lives have been well publicized and glamourized through the voices of our prophets, religions, and sometimes through of our poets and artists. Even Jesus advised us to be as wise as serpents. Matthew 10:16 Did we take his advice? Obviously not for he said I am sending you out like sheep surrounded by wolves. These wolves still keep us in the Matrix as they romanticized the gods and unbeknownst to them have been their PR agents.
One of the more controversial theories, sometimes called the "copycat thesis" -- suggests that many of the miracles, other life events, and beliefs about the supernatural status of Horus, an ancient Egyptian God, were fused into stories about Jesus as recorded in the New Testament. The life of Jesus was based on the lives of 50 sun gods who were all warlords. For if we read their mythology, which is really their history, we would not worship them or the rock stars that have taken their place
Minds have a tendency to take one a bit of truth or illumination and make it a universal law; which constantly confuses unity with uniformity. Even when it is capable of understanding the need for unity in diversity, it is incapable of implementing it, because it only knows how to deal with what is unchanging while the real world is constantly changing. Even if we obey the soul and not the ego, the Overmind is the Consciousness that has ruled evolution since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Aurobindo called the solution the Supramental, on which the very future of our evolution depends.
For centuries we have been on the quest for the Grail but have found only half of the secret. The other half according to Sri Aurobindo, is to be found in the depths of Death, Unconsciousness, and in the very heart of Evil. The key to a divine life is to transform the darkness within ourselves and find the Grail within when we accept ourselves.
Excommunications and hell is the religious way to control us, there can be no paradise so long as anyone is in hell! The history of religions, the Mysteries, or Knights in shining armor throughout the world testify to the fact that, after the death of the Master and his immediate disciples, everything becomes distorted, and they become disillusioned and forget his message. Borrowing insights from an analysis of spiritual masters it appears that the increasing concern for human rights points to a movement in which the triumph of the individual is increasingly regarded as sacred and inviolate.