I haven't written in a while. As the fascists move in for the kill, they must keep intellectuals too busy to interact with each other and too anxious to do anything BUT work to deal with the paralyzing emotions that their policies must always cause. As long as we are divided as to how to proceed, the Agenda moves forward.
What is the nature of this Agenda?
Mike Malloy read Robert Freeman's excellent essay from Common Dreams on the air the other night. The essay does a brilliant job of encapsulating what's relevant about the Agenda and the likely next moves to be made by the conspiracy that has driven the Agenda since at least 1913 and probably much, much longer.
What is less relevant about the Agenda is what undergirds it and allows it to propel itself forward. Once this under girding is destroyed, the Agenda will collapse under its own weight. At times the apparently irrelevant manifests and enforms into the utterly relevant.
What drives the Agenda, at its core, is the arrogance of the few. These few believe that, collectively, they possess all the wisdom necessary to guide this sad world of stupid creatures to a soft landing on the other side of perdition. Of course this landing, honed to a fine point during pre-Enlightenment feudalism--all the rage in the Europe of that day, favors the superior intellect and reptilian ability to calculate causality and consequence to two decimal places. Two decimal places allows consideration of consequence for people numbering into the hundreds--pennies from heaven, if you will. To do the same for a planet containing six billion would require calculations to nine decimal places. Not to mention an attention span and focus unavailable to minds driven mad with interfamilial incest and other taboo deviations from the social norms of the great unwashed masses (read: you and me).
Who is this fetid ruling class?
As already stated they probably number into the hundreds. Further, their treachery and sociopathological narcissism would have to have evolved in the period preceding the French Enlightenment--a particularly vile, violent and nightmarish period of anarchy and death, punctuated by the dreary security of living within the castle keeps of psychopaths like Vlad the Impaler (aka Count Dracula). And, like Vlad, they probably came into their own in the harsh Winters of Eastern Europe. To offer the reader an idea of just how violent this period of human history was, had the human-to-human kill ratios of this period found their way into the twentieth century, we would not have lost the nearly 100 million human beings that an accurate accounting reveals we did lose to our dubious fixation with violence.
According to Professor Steven Pinker of Harvard and MIT, we would have lost 2 billion.
Also reported by Pinker, it was the rise of the Age of Reason that has resulted in the gradual decline in the human-to-human kill ratios, globally, that we "enjoy"- today. And why, obviously, the present ruling class pines for a return to the days when our wholesale reliance on homicide and genocide kept the human herd thinned out, productive and under control. Their control. Behind thick, battle-hardened castle walls, or some reasonable facsimile upgraded to handle unstable climates, droughts, famines and grinding poverty, these human rats are determined to survive beyond faith, hope, belief, reason or any quaint notion of sanity. Hell, it has worked for them so far -- very literally.
The likely occurrence of an extinction level event caused by the eruption of the Yellowstone super-volcano does not appear to have jogged the gargoyle-inspired memory of these precious reptilian few. Old mistakes left unreconciled in time appear to repeat themselves no matter how much wealth and power one amasses.
One has to wonder if these inbred, deviant jackasses ever considered the possibility that the Earth has always had a plan for dealing with unmanageably violent hordes cluttering up the biosphere, just as it did with the Dinosaurs. My educated guess would be, "no,"- but my mammalian forebrain has evolved to a stage of self-doubt that the more reptilian among us consider to be hilarious.
I do not have time, now, to expand on the research that might specifically identify the mongrel authors of our present miseries, but I suspect the name, "Rots-hild"- (red-sign), or "rots-child"- (no foreign language translation required) would be quite close to the mark.