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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 1/29/13

The World's Greatest Threat

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Dave Lefcourt
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As I read Glenn Greenwald's article, "Pentagon's New Massive Expansion of "Cyber-Security' Unit Is About Everything Except Defense", I came away with "it all makes perfect sense" within all its horrible, demented intent.  

Having read other articles and books [i] on American militarism and the national security state that has evolved since 9/11 and the government's methods of instilling propagandized fear in the American people, it's all meant to justify the policies and expansion of the national security state.

From here, most Americans seem in a state of denial or so into mindless distraction they are incapable and/or choose to remain in the dark of what America has become.

The seeming callous indifference by those who should know better seemingly insulated from the horror of the government's policies by remaining in deep denial and exhibiting passive indifference of what their country is doing abroad and increasingly domestically.

The occupy movement momentarily flushed out from the shadows the greed and most egregious workings of the corporatist oligarchy that has created the plutocracy that underwrites the national security state.

Legal dissent and whistle blowing leaks are attacked with vigor as the government resorts to lockdown secrecy and all justified and legalized by Justice Department memos kept secret for reasons of national security.

It's Fascism wrapped in the mantle of freedom and democracy making it the most insidious form of authoritarian despotism.

In the bad ole USSR the people knew the state was the enemy. Not so in America where flag waving triumphalism is the "kool aid" propaganda drunk by the masses who are encouraged to engage in mindless distractions. What better way to let the government do its sinister deeds without arousing suspicion among the propagandized majority attuned to the corporate media, all but a witless partner and stenographer of governmental blather that keeps the public un informed.  

Except for those few like Greenwald, Chris Hedges and others who challenge the national security apparatus in blog posts on the internet along with the investigative reporting of the Nation's Jeremy Scahill, Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone et al, the government would do all its mendacity in complete secrecy.

The Congress is more like the "Duma" in the old Soviet Union. Oversight is an anachronism. Better to be engaged in "fiscal cliff" nonsense and unnecessary austerity measure arguments that keep the pot "boiling" but further distract the people from engaging in the real issues i.e. the malfeasance of the government's illegal wars, the nonsensical war on terror, the dictatorial powers of the unitary executive, the NDAA, warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention, torture, the targered assassination of American citizens et al.

Chris Hedges in quoting Sheldon Wolin calls it "Inverted Totalitarianism".

Call it whatever you will. It certainly isn't freedom and democracy or the propaganda of being the "indispensible nation".

We're the greatest threat in the world and most people outside America know it.

But that seems incomprehensible or denied by most Americans, except Native Americans who know all too well the government sponsored genocide inflicted on them.



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