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Tomi Lahren- It's Not the Muslims Stupid!

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George Eliason
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@TomiLahren's rant heard round' the world was the first I've ever heard of her. I listened to it a couple of times and a few of her other shows to understand her perspective and motivation. The way she repeatedly ties radical terrorism to Islam and then backs off half a step before letting loose another salvo against Muslims and president Obama is almost artistic.

I live in Donbas and there are currently over 200 ISIL terrorists operating here. Should the US bomb them and everyone that supports them Tomi?

Its Not the Muslims Stupid

From the late 1950's onward scholars started documenting the movement that became known as radical Islam today. The only problem is, it's not Islam. It never was. It is western fascist political philosophy that's been tailored to suite the Middle East. Going into the new millennium new groups used "Muslim, Islam, and Islamic" as a means to self identify within the vastly larger Muslim communities in an effort to draw fire from the West and radicalize populations while trying to establish themselves by putting the communities under fire.

The Terrorists are in fact only as Muslim as Adolf Hitler could be considered a Christian in any context. " As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice" And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows . For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people." -- Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

If terrorists such as Al Qaeda or ISIL are not Muslim then what are they?

The Millennial Studies project at Boston University is engaged in the study of groups and ideology that pose existential threats and will eventually destroy the modern world. Hence, they named the dangerous time we live in post-modern. It is quite literally the study of an impending apocalypse. The project reports to the government on the real nature of these groups and ideologies to give the government a basis for dealing with them.

" I don't want to dwell on Islamicist ideology; I don't know that much about it. Still, we should note that recent Islamicist terrorists quote Evola with facility ... One of the features of political Tradition has been the search for a school of the transcendent that could serve as the organizing principle of a new society.

Theoretically, any of the great religious traditions might serve. In practice, though, Traditionalists have usually chosen a radical version of Islam or some kind of neopaganism;" Tradition can be scary, however. Sometimes this knowledge of the inevitable collapse of the modern world inspires nothing more than the formation of groups of adepts who hope to manage the transition when civilization collapses. Sometimes, however, Tradition has sparked the creation of anarchist political groups that hope to accelerate the collapse." After the Third Age Eschatological Elements of Postwar International Fascism , presented by Professor John Reilly at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Center for Millennial Studies, Boston University, November 2 to 4, 2002

Julius Evola was one of the founders of what became known as the "Tradition" and has adherents infecting all major religions with a fascist/ nationalist construct. According to the fascist Evola (esoteric fascism), immortality is attained by the conscious act that ignores the ramifications of death while plunging headlong into it without a thought. This has nothing to do with the type of religion an adherent is or its afterlife traditions.

This type of thought today isn't isolated to political Islam, it infects Judaism and Christianity on a world wide scale. It's not religion, its politics with a religious face. Fascist nationalism seems more pronounced in political Islam today because it is not governments attacking, its groups we identify as terrorist.

In an article titled "Terror, Islam and Democracy," Ladan and Roya Boroumand state that "Most young Islamist cadres today are the direct intellectual and spiritual heirs of the Qutbist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood." And further, "When the authoritarian regime of President Gamel Abdel Nasser suppressed the Muslim Brothers in 1954 (it would eventually get around to hanging Qutb in 1966), many went into exile in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Morocco. From there, they spread their revolutionary Islamist ideas -- including the organizational and ideological tools borrowed from European totalitarianism."
The Independent's John Gray argues in an article entitled "How Marx turned Muslim"
that Qutbism is not rooted in the Islamic tradition, but rather, is very much a Western based ideology.

The work of these Phd's was done to put context around what was happening before, during, and after September 11 th and the twin towers attack. Our America has been at war ever since that day, but has it been at war with the those responsible? Iraq wasn't involved and Afghanistan was going to give Osama bin Laden over to justice.

From a real Muslim perspective Shaykh Rabee' ibn Hadi al-Madkhali, a renowned Salafi scholar concludes the following about Qutbism: " The Qutbists are the followers of Sayyid Qutb" everything you see of the tribulations, the shedding of blood and the problems in the Islamic world today arise from the methodology (of this man)."

It wasn't the Muslims that Attacked Us on 9/11

Simon al Zawaheri was a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The Brotherhood with regard to their religious and mystical leanings are Sufi or more specifically, Qutbist; named for those who follow Sayyid Qutb. This philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood is essentially NeoPlatonic and does not distinguish between matters of belief, so long as people adhere to their movement . This is why the outwardly Shia al Zawaheri and the outwardly Sunni bin Laden could be comrades and brothers.

If you know anything about Islamic history, Shia and Sunni belief are not reconcilable and each are apostate to the other. Because neither al Zawaheri or bin Laden promoted Islam it just didn't matter that they should be mortal enemies. Both were political operators and not religionists. As long as you agree with the political philosophy or simply get out of the way they don't have a "religious problem" with you.

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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