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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 5/18/20

Top 3 Ways Netanyahu's New Gov't in Israel is a Catastrophe Waiting to Happen

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Message Juan Cole
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From Informed Comment

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Israel's leaders have finally formed a government, after three elections that left the country in a political quagmire.

The new government is a catastrophe in the following ways:

1. It will encourage Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu to continue to dismantle Israeli democracy. He will seek to have the corruption charges against him set aside. He has already damaged the probity of the Israeli press.

2. Netanyahu will be emboldened in his plan to annex some 30 percent of the Palestinian West Bank. This step will be the nail in the coffin of the long-moribund two-state solution.

That step will cause tensions, perhaps violent tensions, with the 5 million Palestinians living without basic human rights under Israeli Occupation.

It will also cause major problems in neighboring Jordan, a majority of whose population consists of descendants of Palestinians expelled from their homes by the Israelis. The usually cautious King Abdullah II of Jordan warned of "massive conflict" were Netanyahu to follow through. At the least, it seems likely that annexation would force the king to annul the 1993 peace treaty between the two countries. Part of that peace treaty involves substantial security cooperation between Jordan and Israel, which could also end. It seems to me that the king is worried about such extensive discontent in his small country that his own throne

3. It will sideline the 20% of Israelis who are of Palestinian heritage and who have 15 seats in the 120-member Knesset or Israeli parliament. They had been on the brink of being admitted to the Israeli political game, but now will be completely marginalized.

The US corporate press won't tell you this, but the reason for the inability to form a government was Israeli racism. Jewish parties in Israel with any respectable number of seats in the Knesset or parliament are either right wing (Blue and White) or far right (Likud and its allies). The right wing for the past 14 months had refused to accept a government with far-right Netanyahu in it. Governments could have been formed without Netanyahu's extremist Likud Party, which was modeled on the mass parties of the 1930s in Europe. They would have needed to be willing, however, to at least tacitly accept the support of the Joint List, a predominantly Palestinian-Israeli coalition.

I wrote earlier this spring:

In Israel's most recent election, the largely Palestinian-Israeli Joint List, led by Ayman Odeh, won an unprecedented 15 seats in the 120-member Israeli Knesset or parliament. The virulent racism against them of the Israeli Right has gradually convinced more of them to vote in Israeli elections, despite being second-class citizens. If they all came out to vote, they could potentially get as many as 24 seats. Odeh's charismatic and vigorous leadership has led them to their current political relevance.

After the recent election, Odeh tweeted at caretaker prime minister Netanyahu, who dismissed Palestinian-Israelis as "terrorists,"

    "Netanyahu, I will teach you what democracy is- the rule of the majority of citizens, and not the majority of Jews. Pack your things, you are on your way to your home."

All of a sudden, Odeh looks prescient.

The far right Likud and its coalition parties gained 58 seats in the recent election, but Likud by itself only won 36 seats. A coalition needs 61 to form a government.

The Center-Right Blue and White won 33 seats. But the center-left Labor-Meretz coalition has another seven, taking a possible alliance to 40.

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Juan Cole is an American academic and commentator on the modern Middle East and South Asia.  He is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. Since 2002, he has written a weblog, Informed Comment (more...)

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