In this video we see a revolting display of police work in Haiti. UN-US trained "police" are torturing well known justice activist, Johnny Charles of Koridà ² Bastya, along with another unidentified man at the police station. Were these Haiti police thugs trained by the same New York police who assaulted Amadou Diallo in a New York precinct bathroom? The two young men where mercilessly kicked, beaten and forced to take down their pants to be further physically and mentally humiliated. You see the CIMO police thugs forcing the victims to count the lashes as they are beaten on their naked butts by these modern day plantation overseers.
It's reported the two victims were arrested at a demonstration protesting against the US-imposed sham elections yesterday on Jan 19, 2016. These are the US-Martelly dictatorship police "bringing democracy and justice" to Haiti. This act of torture, degrading and inhuman treatment is illegal under national and international human rights laws beginning with the Universal Declaration of Human rights. Article I of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, states:
"For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity."
HLLN strongly condemns this act of barbarism. We demands the immediate arrest, legal punishment and sanction of these police thugs, their supervisors and any personnel complicit in this torture and degrading act. We demand the immediate release, medical and psychological treatment, along with restitution for Johnny Charles and the other male victims.
These grave human rights violations reduced these two militants to subhumans simply for advocating for free, fair and inclusive elections and for a sovereign Haiti. HLLN request an immediate investigation to assure that this sort of police "interrogation" is not being conducted as the new "standard" that Barack Obama, John Kerry, Kenneth Merten, Samantha Powers, Peter "Pinocchio" Mulrean, Ban Ki Moon, Sandra Honore and Thomas Shannon deemed "good enough," as they insist the corrupt 2010 election, August 9 and October 25th elections, were for Haitians. (See, photo album at U.S. Election Scam in Haiti, 2016.)
Shocking video already exist of United States Department of Justice (ICITAP)-trained Haiti police killing an unarmed, peaceful demonstrator in 2015 by stomping the poor man to death in plain daylight. The Cold War U.S. Tonton Macoute-death squads of the Duvalier era are back in power in Haiti as intended by Bill Clinton, the Bushes and now their Black overseer president, Barack Obama, who carry out the biddings of the inbreeding eight super-rich white families who own the Bank of International Settlements and the majority of shares in all the world's major corporations and banks.
Like the sham Haiti elections under occupation, the torture, degrading and shocking inhuman treatment of Johnny Charles and the other victim, were paid for with US tax payers money. HLLN and Free Haiti rejects the return of the tyrants to Haiti behind a UN front, a US-France-Canada-trained "police" front, fake NGO aid and fake elections.
Why are none of the international human rights organizations denouncing the severe police repression against demonstrators protesting the US-backed sham elections in Haiti? Where's the international press coverage after watching this disgusting video?
Ezili Danto
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network/ Free Haiti
January 20, 2016
(Article changed on January 21, 2016 at 15:25)