Can you believe this hypocrisy? Premiere Radio Network, makes a fortune off millions of listeners who believe the hosts they are listening to don't just "talk the talk" of conservative values but also "walk the walk" and yet when I place the word "Gun" in an ad with a proven track record of delivering over 3,000 courses and guns to responsible American citizens across this country, Premiere Radio Network refuses it!
That's incredible! Do Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck know about this blasphemy?
OK, so maybe the brouhaha has not been covered much by the MSM, but the fact remains that a gun training promotion was denied by a network that is a subsidiary of Clear channel which has a close corporate "relationship" with Rupert Murdoch-owned FOX News. Rush Limbaugh, Laura Schlessinger, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and practically every microphone-slinging, right-wing air wave pundit owes his substantial income to Clear channel. And what about those pundits who include "screeding?"* (Townhall Daily) carries the likes of Ann Coulter(geist), Michelle Malkin, John Stossel, Chuck Norris, and Bill O'Reilly (who was awarded the "Courageous Broadcaster of the year" award at the Values Voter Summit).
So what gives here?
It's an irony (not lost by "Dr." Piazza, to be sure)
that Premiere Radio Network seems to bite the hand that feeds it. Is it
so afraid of a liberal backlash? I doubt it. It seems to be some
mid-level executive's lame attempt to present Premiere as a peaceful,
non-violent advertising venue. But the more interesting thing about
this affair is how has handled it: relaying "Dr." Piazza's
message through its email list. And rather surreptitiously: you'll have
a hard time finding the rant in's Oct. 4th issue. Is afraid of backlash as well? I'm not so sure. Publishing
right-wing writings is its bread and butter. Then again, becoming
involved in a gun control lawsuit could be a bit prickly, even to
Townhall's tough hide.
The "Disneyland for gun-lovers"
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute might be defined as "militia lite": training programs cost from $1200 to $50,000 (lifetime membership). Taking cost into consideration, the "gift" of a gun is more like finding the plastic toy inside a box of Cracker Jack. Even so, Piazza has stepped up his promotion by offering to train teachers and pupils where crimes with firearms have been perpetrated.
In 2007, University of Utah lifted the ban on students carrying concealed weapons. In support of this, Piazza announced that a free 5-day course on carrying and using a concealed handgun would be offered to every student there.
never vetted Piazza's persona: he's been allied with Tom Cruise's "religion", has
been sued several times and made undisclosed settlements. The
video below covers a lot of ground. It's slick. It's straight-forward.
Yet, you can't shake the feeling that the people are right-wing or even
near the edge of the extremist right wing.
the Presidential election, reports of skyrocketing gun sales have
consistently sent the message that white supremacists, hate groups and
militia groups have increased in size.'s promotion of
Piazza's programs, no matter how legitimate, is irresponsible. It
stokes the far-right fringe's aggression and fears. The programs go far
beyond mere self-defense. By extension, makes killing
someone easier, safer and, well, more fun!
As of 2008, Front Sight boasted 8500 members.
Testimonials on the website are HERE. The almost cavalier attitude of these would-be gun totin' mavericks is very telling. One former Front Site customer (who later sued Piazza in a class action suit still pending):
"I was flipping through the channels one evening and happened to catch a news segment about a place out in Nevada that was offering a free one day Uzi submachine gun class. I thought that sounded like a lot of fun."
After you've finished a course on shooting with an Uzi, how do you put
your knowledge to good use?
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