Donald Trump's media blitz is doing exactly what the Republican Party needs it to do. That is, as long as Trump does actually fade at some point. If he goes the distance and actually becomes the nominee, it will destroy the party even quicker than all the Tea-publicans put together.
Trump is a media darling because his clownish behavior and insulting demeanor are a source of constant news. He knows that, and he also knows that it is really the only thing keeping him at the front of the pack. He has no substantive platform, no actual ideas to implement. "I am great," and "I will make America great again," are really the only things he has to say over and above the rhetoric insulting and degrading minorities and anyone who challenges him.
The condition of the party is at its all-time weakest, and party movers and shakers know that it is. But they also know their party is experiencing the biggest media boom to come their way since the negative-media blitz surrounding the Nixon disaster. As long as Trump does actually fade at some point, this is the best thing that has happened to the GOP since Ralph Nader and Jeb Bush gave them Florida.
Because of Trump's extremism and total lack of substance, he offers them a puppet with which to distract the people and a big red-nosed buffoon to point fingers at. Whomever the party actually nominates, he will be a sane, conservative, realistic alternative compared to Trump. That is exactly what the party needs to keep the extremism of the Tea Party under wraps until the hellishness that is Ted Cruz is elected president. After that, it won't make much difference who discovers how extreme Tea-politics actually is. It will be too late to do much about it by then. Trump the Puppet is doing his job, dancing for the people to keep them from examining the candidates too thoroughly. He is a tool, used to keep the people as tools.
Donald Trumppet appears to be unaware of his true function, but he is performing exactly as the party needs him to, as a distraction. However, this game the party is playing is a dangerous one. Reminiscent of the danger in the game the GOP played by courting the Tea Party, they are now courting a fool who doesn't quite understand how he is being used. He thinks he actually has a shot at the presidency, which seems odd, since actually being the president would be too great a challenge for Trump to survive, much less excel in. In his case, truly, ignorance must be bliss.
The party is playing the wild card, the joker. The problem is, the joke could wind up being on them. Trump is just bold and egotistical enough to actually form a third party if things don't go his way. Whatever the outcome is, these are definitely interesting and dangerous times for America. But the one thing that makes this most interesting of all, is that if this strange strategy backfires, it could make Bernie Sanders the President of the United States. How about that for an outcome, Mr. Trumppet?