Like the Pentagon Papers, the publishing of so called secret or "classified"
communications of the US government and its military demonstrate the total
idiocy of government in its attempts to cover up its childish, unfit, immature inability to deal with international problems that stretch its false image of itself.Total incompetence!
The usual method of dealing with these inadequacies is to kill, discredit or destroy the messenger. It appears that Wikileaks has out-thought the powers that be and has set up a system of mirrors so that any number of websites can host Wikileaks and keep it from being shutdown.
As of last evening 208 websites were co-hosting Wikileaks with more being added by the minute. I urge thousands of website owners to get on the bandwagon.
TAKE NOTICE PRESIDENT OBAMA and the entire executive branch including the military that we the American People are fed up with the lies and cover up of your incompetent actions. It is time to stand down and pay attention to the will of the masses for whom you work!
No longer can you flip off the American people with lies and deception! It is time for full transparency and we demand it of you.
Any simple minded fool with the love of the American People could straighten up the mess you are mired in simply by positive acts of full disclosure.Government must correct itself. WE DEMAND IT OF YOU!
Mr. Assange, bring on the miracle! We the people ask it of you! And thank you for all you do!