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Waging War on Immigrants
Washington waged war on unwanted immigrants of color for generations.
by Stephen Lendman
Earlier articles discussed Washington's racist war on immigrants. It's longstanding. It mocks notions of welcoming tired, poor, wretched masses yearning to breathe free.
White supremacist Judeo/Christian extremism prevents it. Poor and desperate people aren't welcome. People of color are scorned. Exploiting unwanted masses is policy. Helping them is verboten.
America never was beautiful and isn't now. Wealth, power, privilege, and dominance alone matter. Equity and justice are four-letter words.
The New York Times claims otherwise. On January 28, it headlined "Senators Offer a Bipartisan Blueprint for Immigration," saying:
They "agreed on a set of principles for a sweeping overhaul of the immigration system, including a pathway to American citizenship for 11 million (undocumented) immigrants that would hinge on progress in securing the borders and ensuring that foreigners leave the country when their visas expire."
According to CNN , Obama's "ready to double down on immigration reform." He broke earlier promises made. He failed to deliver. "(H)e made it a top legislative priority" in term two.
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