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We Can Take The Bush Administration Out Of Power!

Message Peter Mirisola
When Bush stole the office in the election of 2000, republicans at that time didn't quite understand the administration's objective and believed that they were behind the right man for the job. Most neo-cons being what they are, people whose idea of debate is to ridicule their opponent with a vengeance without any consideration for defending their own policies (consider Rush Limbaugh, a perfect example) screamed down anyone with half a brain who could see through him like a clean picture window until no one would dare question Bush. Everything was wrong and it was obvious but they succeeded. That's called a coup d'état. Remember this, it will be important later in this editorial. (Imagine if he were truly the right man. Imagine if we could pull this off.)
As time went on and the Bush administration started showing their asses and lying with such outrageousness it became a bit more popular to argue that something was askew. A little more time and Bush's self confidence (overblown ego) grew to the point where he no longer apologized for being an obvious red-neck jack-ass, he became proud of it. He even mocked the American people with absolute impunity for swallowing his contrived lies about WMD's in Iraq and anthrax scares (remember now, scares were a major part of his tactics, terrorism). Finally, many people reluctantly acknowledged that they'd been had, even many more centrist republicans distanced themselves until all he had left was hard core, extremely rich, religious neo-cons and a few stragglers who were middle class but mentally challenged. But he still had the power, he had terrorism on his side. It was his most powerful tool and it still is.
Now, I'm pretty straightforward about where I stand and I don't hold back as to what my objectives are. Recently I'm learning that there are many people out there who believe the same thing as I do but they are a lot more cautious than I. There are many more who are just outright scared. I don't blame them one bit. Look around at private armies such as Blackwater and Halliburton, see hundreds of military guarded detention camps around the country, the enlistment of foreign militia, such as Canada, to come into OUR country. Who is this meant for? Us, of course. I believe that as it becomes more clear that there are more of us than we realized, people will eventually step out. First though, they need to believe that they have a reason to and that they can truly help. At the moment, most are confused and unsure of much of anything. One thing I'm convinced of is that there is a reason, the other, of which I'm very sure is that we can truly do something to stop the madness.
There are already many people who have joined together with other activists and are gaining signatures on petitions, holding rallies and doing their best to entice politicians to do their elected jobs. These are people who have an actual agenda, which is marching and signing petitions to get democrats like Nancy Pelosi to do their jobs, such as impeaching the president. I believe that they're correct in their intentions and I applaud their efforts, however, I feel that it is a fruitless endeavor. It's quite obvious that Pelosi and many other democrats who should be exercising their powers to impeach and prosecute this administration are frightened.  It should also be obvious that they're not afraid of something as inconsequential as public exposure of some personal indiscretion. They are afraid for their lives. Concludere!
Then, there are those who believe that the answer is violent revolution. While I believe that the situation is dire and I personally don't care about the personal welfare of this administration I also believe that a failed attempt would set off a premature execution of their intended plans. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm not looking to die. Just the opposite, my endeavor is to stop an intended annihilation by this administration.
Just what I do is stepping out on a limb, I realize what a chance I'm taking but I also realize that I haven't heard a single idea that I believe will effectively recruit the assistance of anyone who has the power to step in effectively before someone does something drastic. As I said I don't have a personal interest in the safety of anyone in the Bush party, I couldn't care less if they all drove a bus off a cliff. That's not my trip.
I don't want fame, I don't like people knowing me and I'm just as afraid as anyone with a brain would be in this situation but I don't believe any "polite political moves" are going to keep us from being annihilated. I say this in all seriousness.
I believe that this administration represents the most powerful Industrial-Military faction, or as I call them, "Dictatorship" in the current world forum. Their intent is not just limited power and wealth, it's ultimate power and wealth. It is the so-called "One World Order" brought to reality. They believe with all of their hearts, in the "End Times", The "Apocalypse" or whatever you care to call it, to the point that they will do what they believe they have to in order to ensure its arrival. Personally, I believe in no such destiny but what I believe won't change the fact that they do (in the sense that it fits their agenda) and they'll do anything to bring it on. Some would tell you that's a preposterous contention. I would agree except that this administration has demonstrated a ruthlessness and lack off empathy for fellow human beings that one would attribute to a classic serial killer or mass murderer. You may be able to argue with your neighbor that 9-11 was perpetrated by nineteen rogue Islamic madmen but we have more chance of nineteen average American citizens invading Washington and putting an end to all of this with weapons than believing what the investigative committee concluded in the "Official 9-11 Report".
Now the reality.  As they believe that the world is overpopulated and the cost of labor in the US is too high, it is a popular belief that they intend to use their resources in biological weaponry to unleash a virus, or "flu" in this country which will eradicate most people who are afflicted and not inoculated. Obviously, anyone who has knowledge of this is terrified and probably inoculated, along with their family and circle of friends, as in Nancy Pelosi who will not offer any explanation for her odd behavior (How can anyone keep this a secret? Under the threat of such magnitude I'd be a very co-operative individual)
This sounds incredible. Of course it does, it's meant to.
Take a chance, don't believe the obvious. Ignore the past eight years and stick your head in the sand. Call this a rant, whatever you like. I'm not twisting your arm and I don't want a pissing contest. Believe or don't. It's your choice and I'm not calling you on the phone or knocking on your door. But,, just what are we supposed to do? Rallies or marches obviously have had no effect for the past four or more years, violent revolutions are much too chancy, what else is there? Can't we do what they did? What was that called again?
It still hasn't become apparent to this country, even after suspicious terrorist attacks of the most superlative magnitude, using airplanes, anthrax, biological weapons, which have been carried out in this country that the perpetrators never target small targets such as restaurants and busses. They carry out attacks that only extremely sophisticated perpetrators such as the CIA, the military or the Secret Service could accomplish. Magnificent hits such as from the Kennedy assassinations to the World Trade Center and anthrax attacks. Everything is right out in the open. It's illegal, even fairly obvious but they don't hide. They stole the Office of the presidency right out from under our noses, organized, obvious, everyone knew it but did nothing. Once more, that's a coup d'état. That word again, which just may be our answer. It worked once for the wrong reasons, hopefully,  we can see it work again, for the right reasons.
I believe that there are members, or even some ex-members of congress, the senate, the military, think tanks, the media, inner political circles, cllerks and secretaries (it's a fact that Hitler could not have gained power succesfully without the aid from clerks and secretaries) and so on who are on the same page as I and many others are. These people know what's going on and they don't want to stand for it any more than we do. I believe, or at least I hope, that they are the most powerful resource that we have available to us and we don't need to petition or recruit them, they would like to recruit us.
The problem is, as it is with Pelosi, Senator Kennedy, Clinton and every other Democrat who seems to have abandoned us, they are afraid and are being extremely cautious. They have every right to be. I believe that by communication, without shouting and marching or blowing things up that we can attract the attention of these people. My hope is that they already have a plan, ( I find it difficult to believe that someone with power isn't planning something) something that they may need and like to share and they may need the assistance of large numbers of people for whatever their agenda may be but don't have the media resources available yet. My hopes are that Rob Kall may have provided that channel. OEN is without a doubt the most progressive, liberal Web news source on-line. I've not felt the energy and open-mindedness that I've experienced here, not as a reader nor as a writer. USalone, Huffington, Move On, no one opens their channels to any more than issue discussion, a lot of questions that either don't matter or have obvious answers.
I'm not that smart, (alright, I heard that) and I don't have an answer other than this but I haven't heard one other solution that makes any more sense. Not marching, not petitions, not harassing politicians, nothing. Because if I'm right, our democratic leaders don't give one good sh*t about you or what you want. All they care about is saving their own ass. And I don't blame them one bit.
I only wish that someone with some credibility would speak up so I can quit feeling like a comic book character from the sixties. There is someone out there with knowledge and power, someone who people will listen to. I believe that through OpEd News, Rob, his editors and us, contributing writers who refuse to stand down and do something different, other than what the Administration and their Elitist followers expect from us, we can come together with someone who can and will pull the legal rug out from under their feet. We can knock them on their ass, and finally impeach, prosecute and imprison the treasonous, murdering, lying bastards and wipe those friggin smirks off of their faces once and for all. We all  need to write more, comment more, link more, create more polls about what matters, forward to your family and friends who may be receptive, lose your fear, we're not doing anything wrong. We are empowering ourselves with the truth, with the constitution. Fear is our enemy. Bush is the terrorist, he's made you afraid. Get pissed, put his sorry ass in prison where it belongs. We can do it if we don't shout, don't threaten. All we need to do is write, comment, link, add it to your blogs, send it to other reviews, anywhere that reaches liberals and democrats. We don't have time to fight or argue with each other. If you're just looking at this as an opportunity to write a book and become famous, that's fine. Just don't argue with other people who are looking to save this country for democracy. Otherwise, there may not be anyone left to buy your books.
Remember, Coup.
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I was born in 1951. I had the benefit of experiencing the naï ¿ ½vetï ¿ ½ of the 50', The Ozzie and Harriet years, when Dad went to work in a suit and tie and Mom stayed home in high heals and an apron. Yea, that was life for me. I lived in a (more...)
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