At the very minimum, humanity and WE Americans deserve official apology to the world and condemnation from our leadership for these historical atrocities, full exposure of the plotters and the lies posed to justify treachery, and the firm avowal that such actions will never again be employed by the United States. History will indeed hold us -- the American people, and yes: you and me -- responsible if these miscreants are left to not answer for their treachery. The appropriate way of doing this is to deliver them to the World Criminal Court, the proper jurisdiction for consideration of crimes against humanity. Failing this, the Obama administration, at a minimum, should make an official apology and disavow such atrocities for the future. Why, any half-decent and marginally intelligent person may well wonder in consideration of the gross immoralities, would this not be done? Because perhaps there is a ninety percent overlap of interest by our two major political parties -- as some claim -- and that together they are the united minions of greed mongers and power freaks? Whatever their reason to deny us some hope to restore our national decency in the eyes of the world and history, WE THE PEOPLE in concerted effort can in fact overcome their lust for and fear of losing whatever wretched rewards they pursue in the political arena, by uniting in common cause to DEMAND they do the RIGHT THING or face the loss of their jobs, their power, and whatever other profit they may glean from serving at our pleasure. For us not to do this would only endorse the proposition that the American electorate is intellectually obtuse and morally derelict and we surround ourselves in a steel fortress of delusion and denial and any awareness of the grossest atrocities committed by leaders we choose. We must come together on this issue now to prevent our new government allowing the precedents of the past eight years to maintain and the threat the treachery may recur. We need to do this for each other, for our country, for the world, for our children, and for our history. We need to keep in mind always that we will have the government and the future we ourselves deserve. God bless a decent America, and may He help us to re-discover it.