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What Law Enforcement Needs to Know

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Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
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There is no Nuremberg Defense for those who violate the Constitution – Take Note.

Nuremberg delivered a message that is very much on point today for those in government; If you are employed in law enforcement, take heed. Most police and sheriffs today have been lied to, sold a bill of goods. Most believe that they do not have to uphold the Constitution; they believe they are safe from prosecution and accountability if they follow orders. That principle was debunked in Nuremberg and will be again.

Cops hear it from 'up the chain of command,' they hear it when they go into court to testify. As they violate the rights of those their oath promises to preserve and protect they walk on thin ice. They are listening to lies, putting reliance in falsehoods. Americans are slow to anger but anger is coming. If you swore to uphold the Constitution, take note.

Most judges sitting on the bench today are there unlawfully. An example is Thomas Anderle, who is 'on the bench' in Santa Barbara County. Anderle, an exemplar of all that is wrong with the system, has ignored his obligation to affirm the oath of office mandated by both the State of California and the US Constitution; he has posted no bond, paid for by himself. This noticed, all decisions he rendered are void. Anderle and other judges understand this. Today, many are frantic to set up trusts that immunize them from what will come so they can keep their ill-gotten gains. Those who set up off shore trusts for individuals report increasing trade from clients in government. Those in law enforcement remain oblivious; they are unaware of the liabilities they face.

Judges knowingly encourage law enforcement officers to commit unconstitutional acts, for instance traffic tickets. Most in law enforcement are less well educated and used to just taking orders. At the same time the incomes of judges are heavily dependent on the monies squeezed out of Americans in this and other ways – and selling verdicts is profitable. Compliant cops are essential to those profits. Cops will be left flat-footed, mouths gaping when called to account for their actions. They should not expect support from those who are now giving the orders. Bush will be in Paraguay, which has no extradition; No accident.

But a few courageous individuals have always been willing to stand up for the rights granted, not by government but by God. These examples stiffen the spine and show us the way.

Charlie Sprinkle had a jury trial when he refused to take out a driver's license in 1973. The jury later told him they would have found him innocent if the judge had not directed them to find him guilty. That, in case you did not know, also violated the Constitution. The Constitution was written to be used with the Common Law and that system of justice, in use for over a thousand years, relies on the ability of the jury to determine matters of both law and fact. That was affirmed in our Constitution because of the Zenger Case heard in New York in 1735. Zenger broke the law; that law was publishing the truth about the Royal Governor in New York. That case gave you the 1nd Amendment and the case was alive in the minds of our Founders when they wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The truth needs no excuse and makes no apology. Law and fact are both determined by the jury in the Common Law. Juries are intended to exercise veto power over legislation that violates the Constitution.

During Charlie's attempts to resist compliance with the fine the court had demanded the judge leaned forward and said, “I know we are committing treason but there is nothing I can do about it. If I let you comply with the Constitution the US will be broke in three days.” Charlie again refused. “No, Sir,” said Charlie, “The Constitution does not give government the right to force Americans to have licenses. I'm not going to do it.” And he didn't.

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Melinda Pillsbury-Foster is the author of GREED: The NeoConning of America and A Tour of Old Yosemite. The former is a novel about the lives of the NeoCons with a strong autobiographical component. The latter is a non-fiction book about her father (more...)
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