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Life Arts    H3'ed 10/31/22

When the Halloween Masks Come Off

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Too Much Orgasmatron Can Make Your Cyclops Go Blind
Too Much Orgasmatron Can Make Your Cyclops Go Blind
(Image by John Hawkins)
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I was thinking about Stephen Hawking the other day,

about how he looked like Woody Allen in Sleeper

after the Wilhelm Reich orgasmatron trip into inner space,

then lolling in his wheelchair, smiling like the Dalai Lama,

high on elegant thoughts of crepuscular space,

and then the scene switches to Jeffrey Epstein's island,

Hawking expounding, wisely warning about ETs,

going, Beware what you wish for: it might come true,

and then I'm in the toilet like Portnoy reading

a LiveScience piece, shaking like Eliot's mad dead geranium:

"There May Be as Many as Four Evil Civilizations in Our Galaxy"

Wait, is it good news or bad news? the lede yodelly-yews.

How could it be good? Natch, CNN took out the conspiracy angle:

"There May Be Fewer Galaxies in the Universe Than We Thought,"

although, they conceded, "It might be darker, too." MSM, right?

I wonder how "they" think of us, the Other, for a change?

Do they think? Is their Is the same as our Is? Do they share our Is-ism?

We're almost at AI, which would make them, if advanced, AI 2.0.

Who would be eviler? Do they war all the time for the f*ck of it?

I'm watching the new streaming Black Man Who Fell To Earth.

He ain't Bowie in a tin can, but the water problem's the same.

You lose water you in deep sh*t you shrivel up like a raisin in the sun,

is Newton's message, before they yawn and scratch their hairy walnuts,

and hand him a blues sax to play and point him to a vacant blue screen corner.

For a double bill I thought I'd watch American Beauty:

Spacey in his prime shaking the dust on a bowl of rose leaves.

I mean, would they help us or hinder us? Wouldn't you?

Would they eat our quantum pi?

Or is it all just chicken falling from the sky?

And only Eric Schmidt can really afford an orgasmatron

with all the bells and whistles and Eastern philosophy thrown in,

while me myself I'm happy enough going the Portnoy route,

having fun running left and right like some conversion Jew,

the schmoes and schlemiels down below taking rescue so seriously.


I was processing: there came a rap at the door.

Trick or Treat goes Alpha Centauri monkey paw.

Stephen Hawking at a barbecue on Jeffrey Epstein's island
Stephen Hawking at a barbecue on Jeffrey Epstein's island
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John Kendall Hawkins is an American ex-pat freelance journalist and poet currently residing in Oceania.

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