Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Scooter Libby, John Bolton, Michael Ledeen'and we can keep counting.
(Image by The Greenville Post) Details DMCA
Neocons have turned the Middle East into a quagmire, Afghanistan into a war without end, and disgraced the U.S. in Latin America and Africa. As a result of the Neocons' bellicose rhetoric, and policies of militarily encircling China and Russia, they have set off another arms race and Cold War 2.0.
Neocons have put the World on a razor blade edge of nuclear war that has advanced the Doomsday Clock to three minutes until midnight.
Neocons believe in a mixture of the U.S. being a Cold War policeman of the World, a Wilsonian ideology of the U.S. "making the World safe for democracy", Otto von Bismarck's amoral realpolitiks, and the Roman Empire. Neocons are not ready for the 21st century.
The glue that holds Neocons together is the Zionist colonial project in Palestine. Their common denominator is an unshakable demand for U.S. support of Israel. It is as if the Neocons consider Palestine to be a 19th-century U.S. colony.
Every U.S. politician, especially the President of the United States, has been so intimidated by the neocon Israeli lobby that they think they must kowtow to Israel's every demand. This was made clear again on April 6, 2015, when Obama said in an interview with Thomas Friedman the following:
"What we will be doing, even as we enter into this [Iran] deal, is sending a very clear message to the Iranians and to the entire region that if anybody messes with Israel, America will be there." [HERE]
U.S. Presidents and Congress need to stop listening to the Neocons. They need to "be there" for the Palestinians too, and the peace process. The U.S. needs to "be there" to stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The U.S. needs to "be there" to keep Palestine from being wiped off the map.
The U.S. needs to "be there" for the Israelis to sign and abide by the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The U.S. needs to "be there" for support of the United Nations, and U.N. Resolution 242 for withdrawal of Israel from the occupied territories of Palestine. The U.S. needs to "be there" with some 21st-century thinking. [HERE]
The irony of the 19th-century neocon Secretary of State John Kerry when he condemned Russia, just one short year ago, went over the heads of the main-stream media. Kerry had the arrogance to tell Bob Schieffer on CBS "Face the Nation":
"You [Russia] just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th-century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext." [HERE]
Kerry then gave lip-service to the United Nations. He said the United Nations is the "modern manner in which nations resolve international problems" instead of "invasion". Kerry stressed that "if one has legitimate concerns, go to the United Nations". It is amazing that a neocon such as Kerry could say those words with a straight face.
It is interesting that Kerry, speaking on behalf of the Obama administration, still can remember the United Nations Charter and international law. They should remember it when faced with their own choices, such as in Yemen now.
One is tempted to throw Kerry's words back in his face. It is the U.S. who sees its Empire in decline that is acting out of weakness and desperation and in the 19th-century way of trying to preserve its unilateral power by invading countries.
What Went Wrong?
Things were looking so promising for the U.S.A. at the end of World War 2. What went wrong was that the U.S. listened to 19th-century conservatives of that era.
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