A Sign
Today all Islam dress in white when visiting Mecca and many Moslems also wear white as everyday garments.
Conversely, a great many Jews wear black as everyday dress and have even built hotels, homes, roads, and other structures atop the buried Holy City of Jebus/Jerusalem and the preserved inner Temple of the Solomonic Temple and the Levitical City. Therein, GOD'S Holy Ark once resided west of the valley of Ben Hinnom (Jeremiah 19:2 KJV). Jewish authorities have even acted in total disregard of those historic properties buried in the earth beneath their modern day structures (Lamentations 2:9). Meanwhile, certain Jews have even proclaimed themselves to be the Temple builders, collect monies for doing so, but don't even know nor care what the Solomonic Temple looked like and profess the phony mount atop Hadrian's temple site to be where to build their gilded outhouse totally contrary to Temple design and location.
The Talmud, 5th division of the Kodashim, in the chapter called Middoth meaning measurements describes the white and black dress code. Those wearing white are described as clean while those with a blemish are to wear black. So, will those wearing white build the Temple? (Sura 2:248).
The name and title "Cyrus" means "King of Kings" and Scripture refers to: (1.) Cyrus the Median, (2.) Cyrus the Persian, and (3.) The Seventh Kingdom (Revelation 17:10-11).
Now in reference to early Christianity and Islam, the respective names Christian and Islam did not exist when the early Prophets wrote. So, in prophecy the Christians and Moslems were given the names of Media and Persia. Therefore, today in speaking of the Seventh World Kingdom now under the dominion of Christianity and Islam, the two witnesses of Revelation 11, Cyrus the Median is the first horn (power) of Daniel's ram and Cyrus the Persian represents the second horn (power) that comes up higher (Daniel 8:3-20; 5:25-28). Thus, the Seventh World Kingdom that lasts but a short while began with Christianity (the first horn) in 1988 AD and continues with Islam (the second horn which comes up higher).
Jewry, of course, reigned from Solomon for almost 3,000 years as the Sixth Kingdom before losing the world sceptre when their occupation forces took GOD'S Holy Arks captive by their guns, threats, and failure to cooperate in 1985 AD (Daniel 4:30-31; 5:25-28; Genesis 49:1,10; Zechariah 5:4; Revelation 17:10-11).
So, Cyrus the Persian (the Moslem world ruler) should soon be recognized (Isaiah 44:28; 45:1-5). And Cyrus is to issue his Proclamation in his first year ordering the Temple to be built (II Chronicles 36:22-23). The Prophets Haggai and Zechariah then refer to Cyrus as Darius (the builder) and discuss events beginning in Darius' second year.
Building The Temple
A manuscript of about 300 pages titled "Temple Design Criteria" compiles design criteria for the Temple and the surrounding Levitical City. Therein, although measures were derived from a variety of ancient writings, all measures describe a common design even though writers refer to three different Temples each of which were built to a common design criteria. Chapter I of the referenced text describes why a future Temple may be built on or about Jebel Unayzah near where Iraq, Jordan, and Arabia join. Then a great city may evolve around that Temple.
Nevertheless, both blessings and peace are offered beginning when the Temple foundation is laid (Haggai 2:9,18-19).