This foolishness all started when Hillary Rosen said of Mrs. Romney, "She has never worked a day in her life." That was enough for everyone to get their panties in a twist, as if they are so inept they didn't understand what working mother, Hillary Rosen meant.
First, let us define that work in this context refers to an activity as a means of earning income; you know, employment. Motherhood is work, but if you don't pick up the toys, make the beds or load the dishwasher, you're not going to lose your job or your benefits.
During a CNN interview, Mrs Romney chuckled, "She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble. It wasn't easy."
Give me a break! This is a kneejerk reaction to feeling inadequate in a country that defines people by what they do as opposed to who they are; it is a common source of guilt for mommies everywhere. All mothers mother. So by that standard mothers who work outside the home have two jobs.
What Mom Romney seems to be missing is the fact that she had a choice at all. Her declarations that the women she meets across the nation are concerned about their children's future is simply proof of how out of touch the Romney's are. The nation is filled with mothers who have to worry about tomorrow. They can't be concerned about the deficit, they're worried about dinner and the rent. This whole argument is nonsense. But leave it to the Republicans.
How any sensible woman could endorse a Republican is a mystery to me, but then again they apparently agree with Representatives C. Paul Smith and Kirby Delauter, two Maryland Republican officials who justified their decision to cut Head Start by saying that "women should really be married and home with their kids", thus rendering the program unnecessary.
They said nothing when Rep. John LaBruzzo of Louisiana proposed that mothers who receive public welfare benefits should receive $1,000 if they voluntarily choose to be sterilized.
They're pathetic!
It took decades of struggle and an Amendment to the Constitution just for women to gain the right to vote, only to be confronted with the likes of Republican concubines who wax like foolish schoolgirls about a party of men who have less regard for women than they have for an Appaloosa Mule. They clearly don't mind, because they didn't say a word when Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana, sponsored an amendment that promoted contraception--for wild horses while he voted against contraception for women.
I try to keep an open mind about the Republicans and Willard Romney, but I must admit I have come to the conclusion that the whole gang of them will say absolutely anything, tell any lie, weave any tale. Apparently that includes the women too.