In the latest indication that Democratic leaders are rethinking their position on impeachment of the president, or at least testing the waters, MoveOn, an organization that is closely allied to the DNC, is conducting a poll of members to measure the sentiment for impeachment. To register your opinion, go without delay to:
It's quick and easy and will let MoveOn (and the Democratic Party leadership) know that we want this president truly held accountable for his high crimes, not just harassed by congressional hearings.
Given MoveOn's close relationship with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, this poll seems to be yet another indication that the Democratic leadership is moving on the impeachment issue. Over the past week, we've seen the California Democratic party go on record favoring impeachment, Rep. John Murtha saying on CBS and NPR that impeachment is "on the table," and two members of Congress, including Rep. Janice Schakowsky, a member of the House Democratic leadership, signing on as co-sponsors of Rep. Dennis Kucinich's bill to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney.
Let's keep this process moving!
Vote to impeach!