Ellen Theisen
Vote-PAD, Inc. Invites People with Disabilities to
the California Certification Testing on July 19, 20
July 10, 2006. On July 19 and 20, the California Secretary of State's office will examine the Vote-PAD, a non-computerized voting device, in an effort to provide counties with an innovative alternative to the controversial electronic voting systems currently certified for use in California. The device has been approved for use in Wisconsin in conjunction with hand counted paper ballots.
From its inception, the Vote-PAD device was shaped through testing and input by people in the disabilities community. The company's website, www.vote-pad.us, includes testimonials from many who praise its accessibility. (http://www.vote-pad.us/testimonials.asp)
The Vote-PAD will be tested in conjunction with the Hart InterCivic Ballot Now system used in Yolo County, California and the Diebold AccuVote Optical Scanner used in Trinity County.
The California test plan is designed to show whether or not the Vote-PAD is accessible to people with disabilities while accurately representing the intent of the voter.
"We believe this thorough testing should become a standard for testing the accessibility of all voting systems designed for people with disabilities," Ellen Theisen, President of Vote-PAD, Inc., said.
The Counties, the State of California, and Vote-PAD, Inc. join in inviting you to be an official tester on July 19 or 20 in Sacramento if you have a disability that has made it difficult or impossible for you to vote in the past using standard voting equipment.
To schedule a time to test, call the California Elections Division at 916-657-2166 and/or email testCA@vote-pad.us. Allow about an hour to learn about the equipment and perform the scripted testing.
"A true test requires a lot of people with a wide range of disabilities," Theisen said. "Our goal is to have 200 testers over the two-day period."
The testing will be performed at the multipurpose room in the California Secretary of State's office building at 1500 11th Street in Sacramento.
Vote-PAD, Inc.'s invitation to testers is here: http://www.vote-pad.us/media/tester-invitation.asp. Their request for assistance in notifying potential testers is here: http://www.vote-pad.us/media/ca-invitation.asp.
This media release is available at: http://www.vote-pad.us/media/ca-cert.htm